Boyfriends. Volume One (Boyfriends, #1) (2024)


318 reviews1,206 followers

February 3, 2024

Bueno, estuvo... Bien

Boyfriends es un cómic de webtoon que en este mes llegó a Argentina en formato novela gráfica en papel. Diría que es una historia tierna y bonita para parar el rato, sobre el romance y la relación poliamorosa que tienen 4 jóvenes universitarios.

Creo que la historia se queda bastante superficial. No hay historia de hecho, es simplemente AMOR BESOS Y GENTE SIENDO ADORABLE CON SUS PAREJAS. Lo que el autor quiere destacar son los personajes, para que te encariñes con ellos. Y por ese lado tengo dos cosas para decir:
Si, te encariñas muy rápido, son adorables y querés una relación tan tierna y divertida. Todo es color de rosas y bonito en su vida y ni siquiera tienen conflicto con los demás o con sigo mismos a la hora de firmar su relación.
Pero me di cuenta a medida que avanzaba con las páginas que los personajes no tienen nombre, y al final de libro cuando el autor los nombra decide llamar a cada uno como un estereotipo distinto. Osea literalmente son estereotipos en persona.

Creo que está linda para pasar el rato, pero no destaca por mucho.

Si le doy puntos por ser a color, me encantan las novelas gráficas a color 🥺

Yo leyendo Boyfriends: 🥺🥰💕😝🙂


427 reviews

August 30, 2023

So, I’m a little hesitant to give this one a review with actual stars because my personal rating would be 3 stars but for what it is and its intended audience it would be four stars to me. If I were the young queer person I was when I was 18/19 going into university for the first time I would have loved this story and related to it a lot more. As a 27 year old adult it just comes off a little childish sometimes. It was a very cute and fun slice of life story that focuses on a polycule consisting of four boys. The story is basically how all four of them came to be in the relationship and how they all interact with one another. It was really nice to see them actually talking it all out and setting boundaries. Everyone in the relationship was an equal participant and they made their feelings clear on what they wanted out of the relationship. Overall the story had a very 4-Koma feel if you read any manga. Basically 4 panel chapters that are slice of life and silly and just fun. The four characters embody their stereotypes but honestly, some people DO just embody stereotypes and that’s perfectly okay. The paneling, specifically the word bubbles could use a bit of work though. As a seasoned manga and graphic novel reader it wasn’t too difficult to realize when I had read them in the wrong order but occasionally I couldn’t really follow why the artist had decided to put the speech bubbles where they did. So that could use some work. The art style is simple but also incredibly colorful and really pops off the page with how fun and cute it looks. Overall this is a cute story and I’m happy to see fun things like this getting published.

Thank you to the publisher for providing this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

    contemporary graphic-novel lgbt


220 reviews12 followers

June 13, 2023

Thanks Netgalley and Publisher for this advanced copy.

I didn't like it.
I've been reading webtoons for years. But, I've never tried to read Boyfriend. Why? Simply because the author was problematic. We had heard all dramas about him. But, this time, I tried to give it a chance to try this.

Let's start with the positives :
- Unique art style
- Simple story telling

Then, let start with the negatives :
- The authors felt like to try adding all those diversity aspects he can found in universe in one book. Without any thought at all. It was not needed. It was too much.
- The fact that all characters were stereotypical characters : We got a jock, nerd, gothic, haa... It was funny how the author tried to put a label on his characters.
- The maximum cringey level.

Overall, if you want to read a story with everybody is queer, you should try this.



330 reviews7 followers

December 22, 2023

3.5 rounded up this was really cute!!!



1,014 reviews73 followers

April 18, 2024

i already read this on webtoon when it came out but 10/10 i love this series so much!!

Malena Hehn

149 reviews483 followers

February 2, 2024

Yo también quiero un novio ahre


✨ Lauren ✨

331 reviews3 followers

May 31, 2023

This is a sweet comic about a pansexual nerdy man, a bisexual jock man, a goth trans man and a gay preppy man starting a quad ploy relationship for the first time.

It deals with different real life situations and issues like self worth, communication style and problems, class differences, love languages, life plan and goals in serious but easy to relate way while still being light hearted and cute.

It also shows the same stereotypes but portrayed as women in their friends who are also super cute.

I binged all 148 episodes and can’t wait for more once the hiatus is over!!


1,767 reviews47 followers

March 8, 2024

This book is about a poly relationship between four people. The artwork was extremely cute but that is my only positive critique I can make. The book is very shallow and had little to no plot, other than the fact that it was about a relationship. Other than physical attraction, the characters had little to no development other than their stereotypes. I definitely will not be reading volume 2.

sol ☼

260 reviews62 followers

June 2, 2024

Hermoso como no podía ser de otra manera. Hace ya mucho tiempo lo había leído y enterarme de que salieron los tomos en físico era la excusa perfecta para volver a adentrarme en esta preciosa historia. Encima la edición es PRECIOSA no tengo palabras. Ya quiero tener el segundo <333



115 reviews2 followers

May 2, 2024

This comic is lovely, absolutely lovely. I absolutely ate this up and left no crumbs. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The art is so crisp and clean, the character design is wonderful and I legit giggled pretty much every page. When I found out Goth was trans I almost cried. I would've f*cking loved to read this when I was a teenager, but instead I will indulge myself and read it now.

    my-actual-bookshelf poly-rep


125 reviews12 followers

July 7, 2023

This was so cute! I loved it and laughed aloud so many times.

    graphic-novel queer


274 reviews28 followers

January 17, 2024

I wrote a review on NetGalley but it looks like it didn’t make it so here’s another one!

This book made my heart hurt because it was sooo wholesome and sweet and cute!! And had its little sweet and spicy moments.

I went into this book very curious to see how this polyamorous group would function. I thought Refrainbow approached the formation and rules of dynamic with a very thoughtful and thorough hand.

I love the bright colour palette, and art. It was so cheerful! The boys interactions with each other were all so sweet. I loved getting to know all the little quirks and personality traits within each boy. I especially loved Jock’s love of K-Pop choreo. A man after my own heart.

My only concern with this series is longevity and repetition. There is very little plot and it barely gets advanced. This series is like a collection of fluffy moments. Which is good and sweet but I don’t see myself sticking around for a second volume.

Thank you NetGalley and Wattpad Webtoons for providing this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ronie Reads

1,282 reviews18 followers

February 27, 2024

Just some cute fluff.

Karla Diaz

347 reviews27 followers

May 26, 2024

Esta es la historia mas bonita y caramelos a que he disfrutado tanto en la vida.


Juan Manuel Sarmiento

764 reviews145 followers

February 12, 2024

Guay por la representación y hablo desde mi ignorancia con el tema del poliamor pero creo que es bastante poco creíble el cómo llegan al acuerdo de salir los cuatro juntos. Como que deben alinearse demasiaaaaado los asteos para que eso se dé así en la vida real y por eso más que un webtoon “informativo” sobre este estilo de vida, parece más la representación de un fetiche .

Eso sí, son todos monísimos


39 reviews7 followers

November 16, 2023

This was such a pleasant surprise! I went into this blindly and was happy to find out it’s a polyam relationship between 4 guys in college. I thought the art was super cute, and enjoyed the way it was written in short chapters. I had a lot of fun reading this one!

*arc received from netgalley

    graphic-novel read-2023


44 reviews1 follower

July 4, 2023

As someone who read (and is currently reading) the original WebToon, I had a lot of fun watching the four boys flirt and fall in love all over again, especially since I noticed many small details I missed the first time around. The art style here is cute and colourful, with a cheerful, slice-of-life “queer joy” approach to a university romance that is both low stakes and wonderful. For old readers and new, this is bound to entertain, granted the simplicity of the storytelling is something that clicks with you.

That said, my review is unfortunately mixed due to a few key oversights. First, while I can be deeply forgiving of errors in an ARC, the number of small typos sprinkled throughout gives the impression that the original comic was copy-and-pasted into graphic novel format, which doesn’t inspire confidence. Worse, the dialogue hierarchy and flow is objectively terrible in the second half of the book, like a switch being flipped; suddenly, there’s no way to know what order to read dialogue bubbles in, rendering some pages almost unreadable. And finally, the ending is so abrupt I genuinely thought my copy had been cut off. I understand the comic is a collection of short vignettes, but why not end Volume 1 of the graphic novel somewhere that naturally feels like the conclusion of something? Like the end of the beach house arc?

Overall, I feel like the original comic was done a disservice here, but I had fun! So that must count for something…


Anubha (BooksFullOfLife, LifeFullOfBooks)

702 reviews84 followers

July 15, 2023

This graphic novel was very cute and had an interesting concept. I am not sure whether everyone would end up liking it.

Polygamy and open relationships are two pronounced concepts dealt in this book. The art is very cute. The way the controversial topics are dealt with are gentle and in a funny way.

But if someone is strictly against these topics and specially these topics being explored by teenage characters, I'd suggest to avoid this one.

The characters were especially young or maybe it's the art style that made it look like that but it did feel the characters should have been more mature. Since these topics are explored in a v casual manner.

This was an arc that I received from the publisher in NetGalley


403 reviews43 followers

August 17, 2023

An adorable comic about queerness, college, and trying new things.

Watching these four fall in love with each other and navigate a polyam relationship was so sweet, especially as this story focuses on communication and affection. It doesn’t shy away from tough topics, though, touching on themes of wealth disparity, transitioning, academics, and anxiety.

I like how each boyfriend both leans into their archetype and subverts it. They’re all very different people with different dynamics, but equally lovable all the same.

Boyfriends is the perfect pastel slice-of-life polyam romance for young adults, and I know I’ll be back for more!

ARC provided by WEBTOON Unscrolled and Edelweiss. All thoughts are my own.


Author1 book84 followers

October 23, 2023

I got an ARC of this book.

100 pages in and no one has names, no character development, no good jokes. Nothing that would make me want to keep reading this. The art is cutesy, which could have been wonderful, but there was nothing here. Makes me sad. I wanted more polyam queer content.

Frank Chillura (OhYouRead)

1,101 reviews56 followers

November 21, 2023

I found the characters to be a little annoying. I love books with poly relationships, but their group didn’t really feel like a they were all together. I dunno.

The art style is beautiful, so there was that.


407 reviews15 followers

September 19, 2023

This is too cute!! Why haven't I read this earlier.

Anyone who's in the mood for poly should definitely check this out!! (You might feel a bit single afterwards, but...)

    2023 fav-top-reads queer-mains


11 reviews

March 15, 2024

i already read this webtoon religiously on the app but that is absolutely not going to stop me at all from buying and rereading every one of these volumes as they come out

    2023-to-read all-time-favorites comedy-humor

oliver b

1 review

November 27, 2023

all the characters make me want to rip my hair out


54 reviews

December 27, 2023

Horrible lol.

Thomas Barra

40 reviews3 followers

January 16, 2024

Ay!!!!me gustó mucho la estética, las ilustraciones, los colores, los temas que aborda, es muy cute 🫀

Aafreen Shaik

18 reviews1 follower

February 5, 2024


Eri (marsbookscats)

395 reviews88 followers

June 6, 2024

Boyfriends es un comic webtoon sencillo pero muy tierno de 200 episodios, cada libro publicado tiene 50, el último faltaría publicarse pero se puede leer todo gratis en Webtoon que es donde yo lo leí.

Este es el primer libro pero voy a reseñar la serie completa (que ya está terminada en teoría, aunque el autor dijo que publicaría más episodios pero más adelante).
El primero (los 50 primeros episodios, no son capítulos, son bastante cortitos, tipo 3-4 páginas) nos cuentan la historia de 4 chicos universitarios. Hay dos que son compañeros de habitación y se conocen desde chicos, uno de ellos quiere tener un novio, nunca tuvo uno así que está algo desesperado. Cuando conoce y consigue el número de dos chicos del campus empiezan a salir y más que nada a hacerse amigos aunque luego los 4 terminan en una relación poliamorosa muy tierna.

Al principio no te te lo tomás muy en serio al webtoon, es gracioso y pensás que es solo para pasar el rato, no toca temas serios y tampoco tiene una problemática, solo se enfocan en la relación de los 4, al menos eso el primer libro.
El segundo ya se pone más serio, empieza a tocar temas como la adultez cuando dos de los chicos se gradúan de la universidad y tienen que buscar un lugar donde vivir y un trabajo. También conocemos a otro grupo poliamoroso, esta vez de 4 chicas, los chicos ya las conocen ya q una es la hermana de uno de ellos, la otra la amiga, y las otras dos compañeras del campus. La amistad que tienen estos dos grupos es muy linda y graciosa, hay dos que son como rivales y siempre se andan midiendo y diciendo yo soy mejor que vos y así y te cagás de risa jaja.
En el tercero y cuarto vemos lados más personales de cada uno, cosas que nunca dijeron antes o preocupaciones.
Puede sonar hasta ridículo una relación afectiva de 4 personas pero el autor lo sabe hacer muy bien. Tienen un romance muy tierno, se preocupan mutuamente, hay afecto, cariño, muy buena comunicación entre ellos. Cuando uno está mal y no lo dice y uno se da cuenta inmediatamente llama a los demás para resolverlo entre los 4. Obviamente esto es ficción y personalmente no creo que funcione en la vida real pero está tan bien hecho que es hermosa la relación que tienen.

A pesar de que al principio parecía muy inocente y boludo no es un comic para niñxs, no tiene escenas explícitas ni nada (ya que webtoon no lo permite) pero yo lo recomendaría a partir de 15 o más ya que se hablan cosas de adultos.

Amé que además de rep gay/bi/pan también tiene rep asexual y trans (aunque esto recién se revela más adelante).

    ebook graphic-novel lgbtqa

Serrat Books

237 reviews17 followers

May 4, 2024


« Esta es la historia de chico conoce a chico... ...que conoce a chico... ...¡que conoce a chico! »

Esta novela gráfica es una delicia de leer. La historia se desenvuelve de manera fácil y fluida, lo que la hace perfecta para relajarse y disfrutar de un buen rato. Los dibujos son realmente hermosos, con una paleta de colores encantadora que atrapa la atención desde el primer momento. Cada viñeta está cuidadosamente diseñada, y los personajes son representados de manera vibrante y expresiva.

Hablando de los personajes, cada uno tiene su propio encanto. Aunque al principio me causo un poco de conflicto que no tuvieran nombres definidos y fueran etiquetados por estereotipos como "gótico", "nerd", "deportista" y "pijo", a medida que avanza la historia, logras conectar con cada uno de ellos y entender sus personalidades únicas. Es cierto que no hay un gran desarrollo de los personajes ni de sus relaciones, pero eso no le quita el encanto a la historia.

La novela gráfica está repleta de referencias a la cultura del k-pop y al mundo del anime, lo que añade un toque extra de diversión para aquellos que son fanáticos del tema. Estas referencias se integran de manera natural en la trama, sin sentirse forzadas o fuera de lugar.

Una de las cosas que más me gustó es la sensación de buen rollo que transmite el cómic. El objetivo principal parece ser hacer reír al lector y transmitir un mensaje de amor y positividad. En este sentido, la novela gráfica cumple con creces, despertando ternura y buen humor en cada página.

En resumen, si estás buscando una lectura fresca, ligera y desenfadada que te haga sonreír, esta novela gráfica es definitivamente para ti. Es una historia entrañable que te hará pasar un buen rato y te dejará con una sensación cálida y feliz.

Esta encantadora novela gráfica es una adaptación de un cómic original de WEBTOON y recopila 55 capítulos de una historia que cautivó a muchos lectores en línea. Esta primera entrega promete una experiencia alegre y entretenida en el segundo tomo que seguramente dejará a los lectores ansiosos por más.


2,139 reviews61 followers

April 24, 2024

*This title is going on my to-own wishlist. I can't wait to read volume two.

Four young men realize they each in turn love the other three and begin navigating a polyamorous relationship.
Prep, the wealthy, blonde, gay, party and drinking, materialistic type who lives with Goth and is seriously crushing on the other three;
Goth, the dark-clad, smoking, chill, observant, quiet, supportive, and nearly vampiric in avoiding the sun, roommate who is extremely smitten with the other three;
Jock, the tall, talented at everything, I believe bisexual (it is mentioned in the context but I can't remember) cook and in love with the other three;
Nerd, the twink, anxious, small, rainbow-haired, excitable, horny and in love with the other three;

reRainbow gives readers a manga art style graphic novel with definitive notes of CHIBI, but if you don't know what that is, its an expression a character gives when exhibiting a big emotion like 'heart bubbles' for eyes when they're in love. The book is equally divided between large scope big emotions and very subtle intimate emotional moments of spoken dialogue, character thoughts and appreciation of romantic and communicative spots in the story.
This is debatably one of my favorite graphic novels that I've dove into in 2024 and I cannot wait to see what happens next!

    a-plus-illustrations a-s-favorites april-2024
Boyfriends. Volume One (Boyfriends, #1) (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 5709

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.