Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (2024)

Cincinnati Museum Center — located in historic Union Terminal, which originally opened in 1933 as a train station hub — recently wrapped up its first full structural restoration in the building’s 85-year history.The renovations began in summer 2016 and doors officially reopened to the public on Nov. 17. The $212 million project was partially covered by the city, with a .25-cent sales tax increase approved by Cincinnati voters in 2014.Since construction began, most of the museum has been closed — sans a few traveling exhibits and the children’s museum. Despite the grand re-opening, there are still a few projects to finish.Here's what's open and up-and-running at the Museum Center: The iconic clock on the buildingfaçadeonce again keeps the correct time; the 8,000-square-foot fountain is now fully-functional and water can flow freely over its regal, tiered levels; visitors can once again stroll through the Museum of Natural History and Science; and the Omnimax Theater is hosting screenings once again.Three new glycol chillers, five hot water boilers and two steam boilers are all operational and keeping the building at a comfortable temperature.The exhibits GUITAR: The Instrument That Rocked the WorldandChocolate: The Exhibition run through Jan. 6. For ticket prices, more on the Cincinnati Museum Center's updates and reopening, click here.

Photos by Devin Luginbill


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  • Chocolate: The Exhibition,
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  • GUITAR: The Instrument That Rocked the World,
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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (1)

Devin Luginbill

Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (2)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (3)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (5)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (6)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (7)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (8)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (9)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (10)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (11)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (12)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (13)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (14)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (15)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (16)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (17)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (18)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (19)

Devin Luginbill

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (20)

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Inside the Beautifully Restored Cincinnati Museum Center (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.