T. MM Dakota. The admission al Colorado Into th 1'nlon restilleil in thc defeat ot Mr. Tn DBM in Vhlt for thc oilicc of President thc Knited Mr. BaTBB had only IB votca to Mr.
Tilden-a 184. even after th Bepuhllcans hail stolen ihe of Florid) Louisiana. South Carolina, and Therefore the three ol which Ht-itc in that election voted fortlie fir time, turned the scale In favor of Mr. Hates It Ib true thc Bepuhllcans liav stolen the votes of other I more votes h.id l-een to the sui BBSS of their schemes; hut il more pre balik- that the party In would ne haf. dared to st.
al xolc of tiny State I Colorado had nr.t 8888 intlic Inion. Tim were no other States than Florida, Soul OtOSUm, anti Louisiana, votes they had even a BBBBBlBwl 888888 aiealin-f. Thc House of KspresTntnfivcx.thcrcfon rk'ht in iBtatsBf sa MsfaaajtsBBi pend thc rules nnd the Hill to (livid Dakota into txvo Territories. (If it ed, one would soon have followed to adflll one of these the Kmon ta State.) The Knit'(1 stutts Senate hus Ita all its character a rcprcseutativo body It roth ami raiiToa and other cori-orutioiis. The twelve Rsi En-Hand rcpi.
BNBl about four Ball llonsof eople. TBS two Nt xv Voil, st na tors represent over live millions of people Tfie from tlie three state- i New I Ia ire, Vermont, and Khotl, Island represent HMB than I million of P80 plc. 1 ha tTx 0 senators af! fnni poor sli Virginia represent mon than a million am a halt ot So tlie composition of tlie Sciutte i already Bad eaatayh, lt wotiltl make it much thc worse la admit aux more of lin weslcni Territories into the Unless ai Stat. and allow them to put members into Hit Tnited State- Dakota had popM latioti of only in not as niucl a sin-rlc coiiaTcs-ional district contain under the new apportionment of the of Coloratlo, thou--li sin has two senators, as of 888888 every BtBtl has, contained a (J BBS IBSI in issn. The Mate of Nevada had that year lt ss than HKl.tiiMi population, II It ntrht for the votes of her two senators to neutralize those of the two fruin Beal York.1' Let it may, it is not likely that the Democrats will Le foolish dj permit Bay more roeh Tem tories to ajiptar in tho Senate as side- fore fin- nt xt presidential election is li? dded.
Thc Repulilicatis sen' out la-t tx ci a written it quasi all the publican tnein hsratobe in tin ir plaeet In lae House ol K. mi in order, it was then gift out, that tiny Balgal pus? an appropriation lull nader a suspension of the ml's, and so secure time for Ihe jKissiue of a tarin i ill. Kilt tt, nipiiost there is little reason to doubt that th" "I etta xiew was thopassageof thc Dakota lill. The had ln? gcniou-iv that the inotlon to sus pentl the should He, md for the pur of pa-stin-'tlicappnipriiiiion lull, bato! isaaaali i Inf ll TbetrapwasweBlald' If tho Di iii'iirats Lad eon-nitcil to thc B8S8M BMB08 of tl.erults for tbepUTpOBC -f tMMMdderiaf lbs blBj thea the MB, once ht fore the Hou-e. could have BSefl paBBCd by a aaere majority vole.
Wopie-iniK thal the pakota seheaiels dcftafftl for present aessMiaat hast; and we i'l joke at the fact. Mr. BASSALL proved hun-di' on Monday 4o If the BSBM ubht anti leader In hns In.n for so many year-. The Demo cannot alford to overslaugh such a in. in.
Tobacco Inspections. Thc bm Oearl of the Knited States decidt on Monday in favorol the ease arisimj tba Mux I n.i in-pc-: ion aJsWS, The point made Wat Unit tin BTW unconstitutional In thal ll BM led a ni lobaeeo exported 11 (or oN-wilt it.) the fiistiiiitir.ii of tbe Unit, prov that no tux. -hall le laid upon i xpoi's i i io timi li be nee. beary propi Inspi lion, 'i I oillt of tlie tl Mates adjl'tljcd Ihe l.ivv coiistiniliuiia1. lt Till' U)l ilceo i- "Tow ll XX it li these iii fore-, and the Btate bas a to shall bs lawfnl merchantable This really all thal bal dom- in lard to tbe tobacco In ina tl rn The mod itallBIMlBl made in thc oj-nion of the court thc fol-'ovT "Ki this ease Bolatpectlon Involved exe.
pt thsl of tobaOCO Brown in Marv land, anti we must not be understood ascxpresa Intc any opinion aa to say provisions of Hie Maryland laws xvliich refer to tbs in spcc.tioii of tobacco fjroxvn out Man? kind." Which ll to Intimate tint if the Man land Inspection discriminate against tobae co f-rown sn other States, tin- Suprtnic Court may. when ti proper case conn? forc tl, pro-ounce those unconstitu? tional. PROTKonm ro Toit.xroi.-Mr. is not to he eaujcht When bi de? clared himself iu favor of protect to? bacco-pin nt tariff hav that end lo view, BS was taunted a revenue tormer who advocated thc protection of apeeial Mr. replied a follows: Mr.
Heck 1 knoxv that I said that xvt arerc a tax upon manufactured tobacco brought in a year, md if we itara not Inp 1-iiLj that tai upon it then WS Bauld look nv, nm niobe on forei.ii tobanco; bal ara bad lo paasaetan article wa were such bardana upon and quire m. io Btise loiiiciT', ami thea eollect BBteraal revenue from it aad allow Hiern to be destroyed. That made a eompbeated coiiditito th.Tt other things did not fa W( Just so. Hut for the hi--h tai iii of "hiv a huiitlred BpOB tol.acco, lori saaniiiactu-vd-tolmcco would, undi tin operatinn ot Hm I'lnBalushls latrrnal tax--, be brought Into thu country in such quan tities aa to oy utterly thc hu-ia the tol-acco-growcr-. Dowe vx Uh the interual-rcvenue SythOuX Ak fBBBBi lot on Mair aud Cary Let we.
JSBSfaoB and JtfadNon an eyesore, lt p( to thc Common wealth, or it would have BOOB B8T? ered with houses ego. The Lejjlsla lure ordered It to bo serld many years ago; and we presume that the 'aw is still lu force. If so, Governor (am Kims ought to net un-1 der it. If the wh 1 Mjuar sb uid sell for only fwc.ty th ntsand doll, rs, lt would nevertheless Immediately to yield a good revenue to froth city and 8tate--say, a hundred to tbo city and fifty to tbe of being, se now, al, nultaiue to the city and an expense to the t-Hsitc, It cuts tbo city ia I twain, arvin--; thtt the former rathn line BBB through this va? cant lot, and lcnvcwall upper Frnnklln. Main, and Cary Streets '-out In BBS c.M" flut beyond tin contine'-of Hie elly pro? per.
It is Hine. In a word, tba' there should bc no sii.h place Sidney. Let Blrhiiioinl be Richmond. Chnrch-Hill Avenne. The BsafSB-aBSaSl linishlngtl.c new ave? nue which is to run Hom Alain street up bf Trinity church to Twenty-fifth snd or street cannot too highly estimated.
Its present condition what lt will bc when completed, and thus must com? mend it to thc favor of all who will take he trouble to walk over thc linc of progressing Bnpiovtnif nt. Main street too soon Im- paved from Fifth to thc l'ark. its present state being tolerable, and there being linc house constantly "-oin-- up oil that saiga tines wen: begun on Monday last: and yet we arc inclined to rank the work of completing Church-Hill avenue above Hint of paving Main The finances arc not in a fSTJ satisfactory r-ontliti-ui; but this not a good re i-oii for ncglcctin-: siich improvement-. Om (I, ths work is done forever so fur the avenue is com cnusl, and for mam. many vi BB fur as the paftag Ol Main street cou? ta rued.
To thc Ntutc cnlnil I'oiiiiniltcc. TH AT v. February Bi 1888. Ihe the Dispatch Thc Democratic pally Viririniii bfll been divided late fla lions for ten jessi or niore upon local State Tho-- i--m baVS leen scftlcl so fm- a- political caa settle them, lt now a matter of the Brat importance thal the two wings of tbe party, foiiaarlj hnnxxn as Funder-ami adjusters, should ba rrlolted nader the broad 1'itnner or a pure DeuMtcner. This fiin be accoinpiished only bf a thorough and "omplitc ri Brgantsatloa the party in State convcnlion.
Km ons arlag of the party is i'i it-oflidal SMBBgetaeBt. The ID adjuster D. "aoerats sarre no rates ea anv and arc lui rd only individual-. Tbej are ont it letl to official tt cognition, and tin sooner they roc, ixe it the BCSter. Wc ar, togdher in scniiment, I 88 tog, in active work.
t-alktaaon wara defeated for Congress they were candidates xntlpnir thc oflidal recognition i th" party. 1 know that thev loth many in district for that reason alone. Let Its rttirganlee at once and be I in to Basel thc foe al every turn with solitl front. If we would reclaim the Ninth district in tba fall, xve should give in the sprint-. The Kepultlican party, lintier the hail of is for the Bah! nil over the Mate, and will win if WS 00 BOl put OtuMelros In readiness to meet him.
If xve xxiii organize nt once anti pal the party under the control of active, young men, we Will Is-at Mahone so badly ill the spring elections that our fall canvass will ba 888-8 aithoul trouble. If by inaction wc (rive him tbe sletory in lbs the fight will be doubtful In Ihe fall. th" man did in th- sn ihi 1.1 us "kill Wharavi xve soe W. tb the I'd dor ot the Dispatch Your corn woo sc, b) be sol much exercised aboul N-wp Tl's N'TTs ami the orlgfal Of nun'', waals to know origin of thc name ol Boston, London, and Dublin. The origin of lite name ol Boston pj totraVs town.
Iloston, in Masaachnsetts, wu- namco bv Its English set tit ntafter Ilos? ton, seaport town of England, in thi county of Lincoln According to Saxon chronic ea, st. Botolpb, the p.nron of sailors ob that par! ol the North founded a u-teiT in 051, A. al the -pot, wlieTC the Ki. didi toxx of Jto-t ni now ls. Thc inonasteiy wa- df-wtroyed the Dam-', xvlio were then in B70.
ihi- inonastery of BL Botolph I he pre-cut English town ol Boston la said ti have taken it- mime. Dublin originally built on maraby ground, or a laack pool, al lbs mouth tilt- river Killey. In the Celtic langMSSS the nt IfB" black pool i- Dueb-Unn. Hence the name Dublin. Many derivations art given for the name ol London.
Some antiqnarlans derive it from Kiivvn-iliipi-, a niric ipinic -i-piiv Ingtbe i'v In the nod others from the ni others from Llrndua, the Hill Portress hj tbe linn or Lake, or marsh, a- tlie il on tbe Tlrunes beloit London bridge mlgfal t'TTiied--pr ly i some primi i tire Ti-ni on tbe hill xv bi i Towtr "i London stands. jut Monmouth nays tbal Brute, who carne I from Troy, Imlldtd ettie aboul I Prom lbe time at whl ii Ut I reported to have been founded hy Brute even fable i- In re ard to history until Hu- ccntuni Immediatcli pre Ute Bom in Im d. '1 'nen lite ry King Kel. whoa men rj pr, served at Ludgate Hill, the site ol one ol ie imir greal anet, nt thc eily, i aald lo have lt with walls, and adorned it, Beeordtna to thi ancient cheni willi fayre huHdingas and towera." Tacitus speaks lt I which the modern name derived, and als.ns Augusta, but is silent as to the origin of tbo Bama. I think the an? cient wow aeverely practical iiiul concerned Ivi less about lite origin ol names than wa moderns do.
Probably they had neither the in Pedal nin? taste for that kind ol Investigation, and generally took things as liny found them without Inquiring uno their beginning. ll. 4 lilli. Iuo A London special to tba New Tort World sujs Lord Lonsdale bas instituted proceeiiiius against Edmund Yates, of the jp the matter ol an anonymous libel in that journal on January ITU), lt contTined a parajraph to the effect that tt waa nadesatood la sporting circles that an eloptnienl had taken place from the hunting-licld of a young lady of very high rank aad node birth with a young per, whose xxas one of affection, but xxh-se wife has unfortunately fallen into delicate Btate Ol health. -'Th" young lady," it added, "is two and twen? ty, amt ihe Bl -nfl i.tni a muter ol hounds." This statement al once understood to fer to Lord Lonsdsle, I adj Loasdaic baa fallen Into bad and it known that she bad sons ib.oatt to recuperate.
Lord Lonsdale is a in Mer of fox-hounds, and tbe only peer to Whom tl could apply, the oilier pi cps who fill similar K.i*sinorc. and -tv lng wive-, whose baaBh unimpeachable. All tin sc fucks were s-d forth bj lin aad Lord Lonsdak-'s soli Uor, who wrote Mr. demanded the authority upon wind, bs bad made tbe i.Ttcintiit. To tbtfe Mr.
replied that ba astonished that it tboald that the piirai-iaph that he knew iv vxell the: tlc, tionate rdalions that bad al? existed I Biases Lordship and the countess, ead that it applied anotbei peer, whose name he did not give. Lord Lonsdale made ar. aliiduvit that then a word of truth in thc scandalous Im? putation, and Air. Yates will haxe to conic Jato court next week and show (MUM why i erhaiaal information shall not be lam (galas! him. Lord firsidalt la only tares j-ox.
bulb' i- popnhtr nobleman. Thc old link ni cu ii, a groci to 1 ll a at witijiiiolasMBuiid Uk pulling it wn ref his aral sueoesaiaMy pbiysd by cw York thieves a few da) ago, and thc mount of fsjon it If you Mill call at BBB new Bast dot-ant doon and "fMinplt.iooui No. 826' alain hi will gctihc genuine Montrose whiskey sd of best beer "-vcr ottered for lie in Uk'hjiioud, NORTH CAROLINA. BAILltOtl. Pl IBU BAII.BOAIi ANO IT jr.tTV.O 1NTKT1 I-HT-1IIK Ol A ItMliasiinaSasri af Hw BtehBioBd Balbiob.
K. February 1MB. Legislallon is (tecomlng interedin-rim" TbepScklngs been reserved forth are to be enjoyed on -et 11.Ift are Bled -it ral To-BietTOSJ the Cape Fear and Ya.lkir Valley railroad bill will be taken lt one of thc important mcasur, that has Isen consbb'ted 1888188. a few the proposition baj ti Stat. inferrsf in the road and to compld pto ('reendioro', where will North Carolina railroad on lo Walnut I OTT in Stokes countv, near whit li am eel' f.ratetl then' through Kat rick countv, win TB xxl find with the Norfolk BB Western.
Prom Favettevllle tim road wi bc cxtentletl to the South Carolina lim and Will develop a superb agricnltura cotton, and corn section, and xviii event! felly follow the Pear to Wllmlngtoi Thc State ls asked virtually to give itt a stock in the road. Whatever ts nilen for it is 'ottered In the form bond-. BS I thc ease tri thc offer of tbs vf est Poti Terminal Company lor the Matt rtock the Wt stern North carolina railroad. Bol bills will v.rv Uki Iv with modlfia tion. The rijlr-tad-mcn are collecting i Mr.
Welford, tb Virginia and Pahnetto railroad IntetreBi that ta to have ons terminus In Blehmon and another sonwwhen in Bonth aro lin. and winch, like all 1 hive seen chartered. I- law tb be built, ail that verv ibortlv, watches Hie ul bill patiently, Bnd on Baturda had a substantial suceesa in securing ll passage through ths Th" sentiment favors toe construction ol an road tbs! capital maj project. Howbethc road ls in the Interest ol Mr. Job Robinson ornot, and whether if will htjur the Petersburg and Weldon road or not, I not a matter of much com rn to le-gtslatori Tinm win ba room for all.
Mr. w. .1 here in Ihe interest of lbe Bostoi syndicate's North Carolina rai road. Ki'-i'i'Tit Gray.ef lbs CapePea and Yadkin-Valley railroad, also hen Kvci'v railroad teems to be biking caree and there ara no opt bl to enliven the lessiont and tbe lobbies. Mrs.
Governor Swam died yesterday violcn' bronchitis. Bhe i-lghty-tbre resrs ob), and oas ol tive -asten wh iiv-d in a (plaint, house, hundred rears old, all whom altai. fourscore j-ir-. Three rnainsd Within tbe la-t Tear tbe have ail tiitd off but om-. They wei mud-daughters of Governor Caswell, th lirst Governor i North I SroUna.
Everybody hers was greatly pained heir tint MT W. S. Kattie, the owner 0 thc cotton at Rocky and 0 several large Edgecombe hat DBBCts an assignment, and that llabllltle ire near ol a milHon. Mr. Kitti i- ope of tin iiio-t estimable of tuen, and bl misfortune xviii eome like sn nilli, iou.
Tl, trustees are Judge Uoward, of rsrhoro' tad II. Battle, ol this city. Mr. Alfred Bobtnaon, a mei ol this atadean tr-sslgnmenl la ilgbt, Liabilities are, I learn, aboul BOiJTHAjMPTON COUNTY. iVxI-i CABTEB TIT.
VIITTUiliKi: Iii SAYS A B0MOB (T.Pi.P- i U' IMPI.UVr. MBVTS. IPorn I tba t-'ii bnttind DI i Ki-bru-rv 1888. 1 ap) it 8. S.
Gtttm chii oi' polit ol I vd rs i and guard urrived here ku liicbf, having In charge Carter, thi legra vv ii. murd hi-- wife lu thi- conic on the ii. last month, and was ar eated in Peh rsburjj on the Sd of tim aonth. He made a full of im-- before lng lodged lu til. A dav ir two before he committed Ibe In laked one ol hi- ni i Mu to t.
ke cari ol little hihl anything should bappet him, and several dollan rom funner In tbe n.i'. cd, leav ag hi- trunk in pawn, saying he exjiccted i awi from borne for soup- time, Thi trouid seem to show thal if a pu na -li at. il murder, In hi- conlt --ion la-i li.iit be said that he did nol Intend to kil ile, In my kiter to the Dispatch ot the lotti January I stab thru it a is orb hal J. Moori a merchant ol this county, tad committed forgery by eban-fing check to a tiiiri y-tiv, check, sine thal wiitin jj have been rated by reliable irtf bal th" rumor was unf, unde I. I desiri make Ibis correction In just ice tnt iirty.
Franklin is growing Idly rill soon be a much Itu and pretlit i titan ls iup- ii-iiid-i'in rea arc I eing i ul np in pl icc ol he old dilapidated wo di struettirt tbal vere ii- tip- fire. K. I ja i ry. sn- (j pgATB. a ace ol ibe Kirlnnood IHspaich ITniii Ur The funeral ol Mr-.
Catherine Tayloi cs prcacht tl -rday at ity hap, 1 Lad Thursday sbt i to badi) burned as dat on tba fol owing dav. after mitfermg the meal h- art? agony, ben tbs accident wai cl tbe af her door making li, i vax outside, md i BVelop Ifl tiiini- 11 her nephews speedily threw a blanket round li- r. 1-nt if Ino I ile. gbe WBf Bfeatj-aarea years ol age. P-STxst'ui.
News. Tim tesslon of the vYesleysa Peaade In titute at Staunton, which xva- int' rrupted iv the t-fev, bltakins "td in thc nstifute building, WM -Tined on -t, ay. The East, rn Yir.i'u.inn announces (hat heseveateeaeaaea of amaB-poa in co? lac county have hcen mnOVed th pest ouse. Thomas Neck, an old negro liv inj near Minkirk. Aecninac, coinmittcti suicide iindiiy Hy shooting hims, if ihroiigh the cart.
Tho Alexandria Qasettt says: A BOB of Ir. Tlioin.1* Taylor, who lives al Pontv? ille Ki ti, and who the watchman of lin? nell at that place, on saturday captured i nile weighing about 150 The was unlike anv thing ol thc kind ever Hight In the waters of tbe locality, and tons i those raptqred in the cpaea, iiipcror William Thuuks l.eriiian. Ann By command ol the Emperor, Prises isuiarck a ni th. foll mina it- to c. rm in and other diplomatic tent- iii tbe lillie 1 States rned in collecting Bud lorxvi.rd.p:- "iis for thc rein of the -nil'- ni's hv ct nt il md- Ibo Kmperor learned uh kuli bMeresl from your report bow rsl waa tba sympathy awakened arnon-) Genneq of America for the (Teringi of tin- thc inundated -Diets.
Be ls much inatlfled to itara ol feeling of kinship which dttseai of tin Nana race -thread entertain for their untrymen in their obj homo, which with the friendly xi-I (leraaany and ABaeriea. lam mnianded by thc Kmp mr ta thank most ni tba Baale ul tho sullen your mmlttee, which already achieved happy re-iilt-, and bag you OBB to the conni.Ittee expression of atltiirle. Thc did.ilmtion of funds WBS to mc a sui jet of solicitous rc. and I asked for and nreived for this lpose the BSaistaoee of a committee puti' iu thc Kchstag reprtseiitlng the ti loitHFot.n'.-t Ai io hu: Over. (i.
W. Tiptop, I used lt ni tin v. us debility iiurhi by "V'-rwoiii in weather, sb good rcAUlui." Brief Me-BB Iteata. darke Cole, aged seventeen, aftemptetl suicide al Atlanta, SaturdaT by shoot iipj him-elf through tho head. Thc of slxfv nntl Boelsl i ts, it ported, will aceut st st.
Peters hurg daring next two Thc of mourning of las CfSf of Slants befog over, on lu- took part in a court ball, which attended hy ot cr persons. Advices from Chihuahua, that leven Americans were killed last Wednes? day In the mining district in a dispute about mine locations. A number of Mexieans were killed. Missouri ls about to sptaul in hnding out about herself. She tMBpCCtl that slie some of the richest on earth, and to make a tho? rough investigation.
A wealthv Californian, having only BOM relative in the world, a niece, employed live in searching for her, and at length found her at Km lington, Whats die wai employed in mill, she xvas at liaiiMerrcl from poverty to luxury. John Carroll went to home in Scran? ton, K.i., on morning, baned tiic broke up the furniture, and fatally heat his wife. A thiec-nionthsi-old baba iras knocked from its mother's arma and severely huit. Carroll arrested. st.
Loafs order- Raw Tori to tike a back seal in Un (natterol developing idiot-, sin- lias not a aler, but a cham? pion a champion poUdoe r. and a champion cigar -mokcr. f.ovirnor Kinkead, Rovade, in bis annual messeage, rery earnestly iuain Hie of (he Central Pacific ra Urilla, and complains of the tod thal thal 'd "-capet taxation on ioum acres of its land-grant iii that state by iii liv in j. to patent it. Tin' Berlin National Zeltung publishes -i letter from political prisoner in Siberia, detailing the lufferingi of prisonera in a province bevoud Lake Baikal, who arc robin tl, beal.
ami badly fi d. Tin dir, tor of the prison, on being xx itb, exclaimed that it did not oMtter if prisoners di, ,1 of -lirvathd). A Kellin telegramsaris A HnaQ ratchet wa- teal to Herr pi. councillor. On opening it a slight explosion occtirred, ami eaamlna tioit Showed thal it cont tined ail inf? rind machine.
Herr Keyssner re? ceived un anonymous litter threatening Iimi for hi- -i xt-iitx xx i studeats. on saturday morning an unknown man found lying on thc track of the Penn sjIvaaia railroad, in Newark. N. burned horribly aboul thc head and body. A bottle containing a little benzine was found in one of pockets, and hs acknowledged baring th" benzine over himself and firing Iq end life.
He died In a few minutes after being taken to the td. The chief the Secret-Service division of Treasury hu- received from New York a photolithographic cou nt erf ell doll ir I niti'l note, ri- 1875.cheek letter A. The note luis a dark, blurred p. -trance. A counterfeit five-dollar note tin'-piic series, and printed hythesamt 1 run but xx iMi check letter ll, has i.
i ii the fortwo years. ls tin counterfoil pit" with check letter a Vet di-' 01 A nu Boehdists was held el Mar si il'. gund IJ ul v- leh a I.Ul.Ti' persons, Including a numl er p. juc-, nt. ilution was adopted condemning tlie Lyons tribunal, which convicted Prince Krapotklne ami fellow-prisoners.
The dim. re turbulent, a ml terminoh tl amid cries I ive f-r tnt daring att, has 1 cen made to burn Bridge's Hotel, PIttsbi Kenn. Pbs carpi in the parlor ami a lotof rubbish in tbe bath-room wai satu? rated with oil and ignited. When licit were Broun th-' i'm in tbe bath? room wa- blazing brisklj. An i In ''ml the fl mus promptly extin? guished.
This makes tin- liftii attempt to burn this hotel within patt month. A dispntcfa from Vienna la the London Daily -1 noli mn warn inp on ti.ie baa reacbi il the Czar and tbe members ol tbeBussian claiming universal -i the righi thei eople own land, Ireedom ol et. i' lbe i -s. i ml of public If th n. rant? ed I iii' I i the ilutionary 'ommitt, nuing the warning threaten rcyi rt inth he "il ii ri-i.
bldally confli An i' plundi mpur. I ocelli red ni I and In i ptui. politic I agi nt 1 I lc- nrrivi I tin Hie Malwa i an 11 'en tra I India Horse hiv! rirderi d. A detachmi ni ol i- -i Mil ia for ti "I'm rik i'd to bi iv. rea ii; oak chair, xx nnd whidi once helot I fcrson, waa upon bj itriot, i- nov, thc properti ol Mrs.
Walter c. Douglass, 8t, I. Une ol the arma i- a a i with a dr.ox-1 lu neath it lor Stationl ry. an-l Mr-. md will lu- deeply grateful anvt mix who vv il! toal the I), dilation ol Ind, pt li? ll' wu- written tberetip -n.
sin' In? herited the chair from her father, Mr. Poota Johnsob, a prominent Virginia law ji r. to whom it bj Mr. i o-t, of Bedford county, and Mr. Poster acquired it at deaths A Monterey sp.
dui of the sui-: desperate fight took place yesterday near Salinas, tregoen north tween a custom-nouse guard and glers. Beveral dayi ago a leisure ol eon traband mule pear Lsmpszos, on tin' border ol Wree Zone, and tbe goods seized were taken thence touthwaro toward Sa llnai uml' a giiard toa Al.oiil forty imugglers sttacked fin eoavoy, killing four of lbe Coatrerai ju.ml- out? right anti wounding several more, and ting ott with rt -captured contraband inti thc No imugglen Were killed. Anthony Trollope's will lias Jtjal beCB proved. Tbe value of isMsonal estate amounts to over il" leaves ball profits ol hi- literarj property to wife, Bose Troll for iif- to id- wife's -i-tt-r, PJorcnce Kigbtingalc Bland; bli library to bli son, Henry ri ale Trollof and the residue ol bis estate to be held Intruil for aile during ber IBe, and after ber death for two Ko-itD'- xxiii hu- felao lui ii proved, tba personal estate exceeding Hi property divided betwecB brother mot her, it li a nuni! d' of I d- ol to hi- personal fri' Ods. The I'oe Meniorlul.
Yoik Atlast tin- Koe Mcmoi ial, thc result of much honorable exertion ea tin part of the theatrical i rol'i lo be Mt Op in tin- Metropolitan Musstaaol Art. Very properly the MSB rn, ly Mr. Algernon Sullivan anti the Other gsa- li tl, men of tlie committee, to an American sculptor, and ll ry oddly to an artist vv ho-c work thc country credit. Profi isor lt. II.
Karl; jii-t ai itt, il in Nt vv York, ringing the marbles from stuulo iu Florence. There are two bas relief of Edtar heatl and a full length, of a masc xviih a ol laurel ls ber raked band. Thc relief xviii bf lt into the xx The Uguie so posed to seem in tin- act of ascend? ing tin- m. ie sp im btaoa ihe portrait and ,4 ibout to Ci own the pott with the Kurri ivrcatb. The work of -nice, not too bulky for the position, uml lltogethor (piile a credit to thc taste of the "umlltce In giving pref'DTice to this de llfn.
to rolltlenl Points. Thc Mim? party dim If Republicans or measure, that usually good enough ground for Dem-? opposition. And ifl). are eoina om- way the Republicans Immediately deehire that toe nth. i end of tiic nod one Kiev pro? pose to travsL The itntl-monopoly movement 888888 Ingcon-rtderablopi bids fair to factor in tlie next cntiel-1 Thursday niirht an enormous ting In id, at which delivered by wsrersi ot the most prominent nun in that part of the state.
(lae thing is certain, nyi Hs LotSTBtat I hion, xve luipi have rdorm in our method of sbsSSlBg Knited States senators or the Senate will Auk to a level which xviii not even nu lit contempt. tins r. form cannot lie secured by cBOOSbSg Lagls lalurcs of siifiicient Hy to be proof bhmdiabmenti of wealth, then let the ebotee of -enatotra be riven over to thc people at the carln-t poaalbrC moment. Tbs Boston Advertiser sara Tbeiave ft rv winch tin- pension Offce in washington continues unabated, though at a certain amounl light i- roaen -afed. lt would rash to condemn the Bureau or even to i ritlcue it; but the fact evident that not living person seems tn know the anrj dishursetnenbi of the Bureau a blcfa pavs ont hundreds ot 'million- for value received twenty yean ago.
The Committee ara examining pati ni devised tn pn v.p,; cheating in as 11 ll-punoht pi- iit chi atine on borse-srars, The riiijtit ld Repuh We do not lliink any ever xxiii le. and it hardly worth while for tba United stubs Senate to fool away time with raeb notions. In where people wanl to cheat, and win re Hp nili r- of lection ara in illu? sion or sympathy with fraud, i patent would i of allom a- mach nae as a inoii-. Bumtsmatlsl crcd tlmt the new tive-ct ic piece i- a triari-m of tin- pi. ce ol Portugal issued in 1888.
Mr. editor Warnn Herald, wss rared ol neuralgia oil. DIVTIIS. Die ai si ic ire, v--. n-'fili Third -Ut" t.
ul lin A. XL I ii' x. ll.xl I. (Till ll Vu nut Cort, Io land. ID fi.tx-uTii: ar, i iii- a -c.
His funeral iak, place from --'t. Peter's Ca .1 ut o', lill! VlHl.MV,,. Kilciids lind sn rc peclfully in te I p. ittcn I without fur lier notice. Til WEDNESDAY SERVICE ut si.
puup-t hm, ii ut i iVt 1- ek. ail lix.s ky th kkk will y.y. it PU viii IM. I ld itt il- Ix I Hotel ui Till P-liVT VI SING. 1 Sill, at 6 rh.
for Uie i rt anim.tl-, im. ri an ilir.ii I. ul "IH-1 TV ATT fe 7- and Others. (ii i Fib- i i i.ivh Babb li lt- Hanan, i h.un B. 1883.
4 MEEI 1M. OF THE STOl KHOLD rms nANK 1 ATI LD i ll lOtll tl I K. Iirttary ni xt. il 18 o'i lock TL. al which Mun the elect.on of lilied.
I- ni -r be il. i li --til AVU llb IIMOND lill xl'li'K. ni: i i pv-dtv Mai i TUT DAV KV I IT iiiii-vux ENGLISH OMICOI'KR T. ,1 XLT.i est uo entitled MIIL: On, THE PEI tmi nu pi pl story set to I i mid thc rd TX DM'-DXT Tl XT Ill SOBCT RI R. Tv DM 1 I IL Ul PP vp Till VT Hi 'I I- Pl I usual.
Hoi 0 A. xi. st Thea 7-U Dil 'HMOND TKl.AI'KI',. MOND IV, KB1 Bl viv Uni. I NN II PIX1 I Tl LT liiiDVi- i.ID I I in i -1 in i i I.
Mai i aUUed ii v. Miss pinpi an-l n- i-v a "'OMPANV OT IU TV at I asti.il. HMOND Ml kl ION. limit ,1 tO I', WOOD 4 md. I K.
WATKINS I I i Kl I- Mr. J. I. II lil xx I ci I iv I I i ind HKKill i ll IPI I PM IM -'I. I IMlKIMi ('OKI Iii.
PINK.OAK snd UH WOOD Ooah vi 11. ii i li ne, 812. ft '(Ki,) AND COAL. HOOD.DR! PIKE TV. -j 15 lol Ko.
I SUI), Px. nd; -Hi IVI DAL I VII nil Ili-T-i I.V-s mi; i II. lOOO ary and hr, "a IOAL ABU FIBST-i I. KJVVr'LOf xii. stove, Kat, I ft, and 1.1,mp.
1 i .1 I -pTui. and lui. Soft Coke and New "fiver and En i foal. Oak and line xx.i mik', s.ixv, and kindling. ou cm from Itv trteplionlus; iti-T or I DOO street or 708 Broad street, The-ire.
II. 4 LL KINDS oi IX i ti A I. 8, IL HASTES ll KlkdUcc lilli and nrilAT EBYBODY WANTS II IT.i.VI TO I VI AND ll I- I VI IP H. Bes.) WITH! V( I I I Xl. Pr STatc CROWN-HILL SI'LIN rh.
on! tor t. KORI ST I'l NI WOOD, I m. I ll oM I I IIROP, I LIABLE I im: IB1 8 ivi lit Ly lo 7 IMTD I l.t.. I. XDD A ') AND BEUABLE VAC! INK lHl's, POINTS an tjl TV tc si viii oi.l Broad rBATT'8 a ak OIL, PURE I I.Ti diL.c x-lul; OIL.
LINsEEDOII VB!) OIL, 11 lt xi. Ll ai im; dil, o. I Kl-. Ute-PM. OIL.
Ac tu ali Px tc Jf L. DrusTfst. MIK OLD SWEDISH DYSPEPSIA UlTTKUSsresoldliy le of L. Pr SLAJaVI CHLORAL THTMOL IIYLVTTH AND DISINKKCTAXT lie. ti fi iii BMsaaafiaTj ia Bsawaal nie rt ad dil I I'" BS ud -csrlel-fcver.
atti lulllkrate the severVf 't taswBtSa BS adc-d' its 1 sin plo. uu-l sile ny i Price. rea us bottle. Prepared hy J. HLAIR, le 28 corucr flrn-id lotti NI'MTAI.
NO! 14 K's. THERE IS NO DOUKT OF IT. Till: l.O'TDS WILL ALL BOUm TIIKV ARK (JOINT'. ILK KS WILLTLT.L. mn stu' still di rn: mil in all bican if HLANKKTS 'ARPKTS.
AND TA? RLI'. lu oi der to make a stSSB WOOSf wc shall -ffi -till ftirtln-r Indite. nicntH. PT, price tl. BS, BBSST? win i.e ii ILBSi aatl HM CABPaffla! tu.st price at Ihe niatiutactun rx' TDTXT-LS al tOts tsM 12''c; Tl UV KO at Itt TO XV Kl Sat "TOWELS Kt IBs, seal tktttt.s.
ut BOe. A ii lend, BAMBUBO EDGINGS baveadt 00 per wc shall eoatIn lo li io-ii ajBres. I lOS Ticapi -r fi Hu i nit- EH All Of --ni' SCI of DBI BB HOODS, TV I'l I i COT rON-SHUn IMO, SHBBT BKIBTING8, GINOMAMH, t.t'Nii.i rUBNlSUINGB, LA DI RB' UNDER TVK.T!:. aew I clo-cd out BB til.c. foi CALI I Ttit.v.
CALL DfTiW, Tlc rOBI I ii I POB1 ION 'ii' IM lui; BEN i Pt lea lat. li. Lit J.i BO 21T ol Proud lu. t. WE ABE AXw AY8 iv TO TUE I I s.
Till' LOMB BPI Ll Of ltd Tx i xthpt: TDK GBE I Di CLIMB in hil DBV-GOOD8 BASKET. Of GOODS THBOWM 08 Till: vi viii, I I and QUI Hi Bl BOLD, and WE ARI ALWAYS BI-ADl I'l 1 Xix' XDVAN I xi.i; Of nu: ii vi is. Wc txiii "ir. Ihe pr casi i BLI IkCTIED COTTON, IH bales 1 Mill in i 8 easel of UD aad -i RIPED "di -i iv-: 1 ca ed' COLOR VTD IM, s. ind yard hr-RINU ls; 0 od- REMNANTS IRISH I INPN Bslf Hu lr lo, INK" In pl" fr in IO oul PILLOW CASI LINI i old I of LINEN i -I-' I I) lU ail xxiii, ll ci leif, 251 DOH IKS ai I Jv' 1PKI 80 LOTH IM i Wc li ive -Th OB 1 an PETS, -l I ii Lui ll- i LIMN V-ll 1 On "in' barsain lu odds und itt lr Ballar valae iiied I' HI.
XM I ii, i m.imy In ladi! s- BAPS, i ill kinds to be clo i tm: We lilli -I, I and it'Al I li 1 TM -s i spline importation HA HUI LACES i-s i xt. RROIDI all sX( I BROI HERS, I ll in, Heese: OHES BBOTIIEB3 Ha vi thrown out all sad bci I i dui lng thc pail xx ti scii tb ludu li Will also I ll -I '-1 PLIit I Ll i r.ir childi. c. a yard; I I I i. I -QI TIT IT i in -i p- i-i i ii of from i i i ni i i Ll I ll! -III i I sn I -'I i I Vii MM I.
i. hi I un il A lu" DOIL1 NA I'M lt .1.1 lue I REAL 'I (MUTIDS Io lc-. pi cesol ITI LOB HI -l LIN. i- ol ll tni-', y's st.7.*. a id.
lu or li i H. ike Ho? sier) Mill I i i ip -TEB them will be IVs I. NI 1,1. Xl, N's I 33c.ap lr. li xi iiii-n ledreeeut ly.
slljcbtly dani cd bj i illx i ld ut I DH NI i EAR, slightly v. di ui mut 'i li I NO HA LIN Vi, and vari'u, otiu arc an ina I ts fi rt ulna ti'' apt i m. open tl Cdrsl "I ll MIT lit. I IN- ST? INGS lu eal I norna a dire, I ill ni limn lien, "-xx TX VAM NIIM S. yAKK.N I1NK-, M.I..N OPEN I NU dxt I n.
leon 'ii- Tins saar. Large -'i-i Pi i and Pl 111 li ii- vi i i in: I Vin-fi I di ill -i PT KU Ol i I) rill i'l I liLltUM 200 ni: DOS vLl Ki ri ES at half pr! Tl rixs.ir TV! IDDINU Bill I IIDATi m.i; xiii (TOBI vim-s. DOS III Xl ll I -DVT xvii i aa Of DXT TOR XI.I I I i. Xli.in lu 11 i Boracr Klatb. U.KNTINK ABDS, IN t.H! AT TABU I AMI UV ill Al'TIKl'L.
Voe mst hy J. Tl- BECKS UTI PARU TXI. pBABO'8 AKllMK YALI MINKS. IT! XNl. POI I 1 I TM? ITTM No i i Basteslotaeessot ik ll Bl llt'eiii.
II. Blisses, ill I X.li-. (AULT Xl, CART UV A xi IM' N. SUI Al Ititl.ND-JH A- I li, linc i ll --h c. ind dc Iron ind Hotm otn? sises; Hie lt.
I.all M. Vntiic ni N. I ul- ml i ire- kell Bi xl xxl-. and i -iii" I Ind io full px. Porielebt HENiiy M.
xvohtiixm. BJ 0 corner KtlTcenili mu lary -(reels. DA MILK-, mtv MILLS WAM-H'TTA. ITU A. COOfJIN.
PRIDK-DK-TIIK-UT isT, I.VNi.. D'iN, DTVT.DIl, I'HT'Kli! I I. popular ct SHIRT INLS, at prices low they any oilier house In the city; (ALP OKS. ATIUHH and ITT', xii itottotii aajesi; The HICK TOM I I offered iu city HLD -TICK from to v.xrd FLANNELS and H.VNNIL* I at v. ry fhl -l of MTIITK COCO Bl BLANKETS, ever in eily; TX HUT.
tot oiLolM nary I -a jr i The balam L's, I. lT.di:itt..l\(Txl.l.*. cl I' BIOTB kl at lc-, than I.IVV A DILVIxi I KM Al NKIMI.l. ascsaa ot mat. rkS, al and lit iT sBIBTS sj rmi I Ll XII i BOWS', OLOVI ('du -i IPI NIH i i BS.
Ll VT. DAVISS oe tl. Iii! D-L1NI Ul LT.IN i.l.'i\ I al I SC xx.ull, I .1 I.x LINES ia nil li aJbTBl KO IN8E1 SiTMNi, IMPOI 1 ihi- elly. TTT eaa i "tx Hi front Be. up i vti'i.
LEW, DAVIS I i't: vi BO l-'i I BE I EBBAI KBDU I ol'Till LADIES i- him .11 Ll! TILT li are HAMBUau 1 B8B0IDI 'n th- dix ut U. Il INDttOMI IRROY, UBROIDI BIBB Be.Bpi xx. tux, ii idi EMBBOIDI Press ap; P.I.TI ll! II. ul Nt Weeall ni- bUob lo i ir LO ll VXlli! ROB Bl und xtro prices. uk lbe i' uix worth vx ot Bf iii i i RI r- ta! o' prier Doll WAMBtm ii i -11 vi.
I I ll v'EW n) XVIII I lilli DOH ll 8, IfiTV i I lpn ii: i' au i ll in; Wean 601 I 1 Al: XX AIM i i A I HELMET COAId 1, Ilk. UKIN I lill IKH Ai NEV, i ia -i ri lill lil -I I 1 I' "I I I I i VP I I Pl P. dT.Al '1 hose III walli ll ls, I'K HA I Pl "i iv i di l-l PITH sYRli' i XX ul; i i. xti. -pu -i-i! OLD i Nt.i.i-ii i ii ia iii ih-r: DI ll I Vii-.
sTD I II- INDIA PALI HI .1 I Ti' Till B. I ji I UOOB. V. Il ki KBXI POWII 'l-l, I I) lill. I xi ki: I.
I SDR! -it XX I.is, i I I Vii" HUI li I ul ll, -I IN. ItltHOVIS Ll Kl I Xl NDH HI i ii.i-u rm i id I'ARTHY 8 UAYNI (BO'hlBl, 4.lissi! till Ut AN ITB ABE. ll I le-1 tesl sar, fr u'c I. Every two do' vc ok, lOUiaiU'Bjt oxer lat, sud secure euc. Ba H.
11)11 BBB BsawtBSVJtti pk ttl oupoalls,.