ii it JCcw-Jlork Dailn Simc0f' 0aturimti, (Dnobtr 21. 1854. fcr AUCTION SALES. Hllll tt LIKt a LrCD dr CW-TUfcSDAT. O- 17, TlVlNlSPAY.l.
fHUItautY. It. HDAT.t. 5 VoNUAV. At 10 tat of Isbt.
Palmsg ft XHrM. ltjlrcnf, tat ffTlMK TB4tC ARB CHr.R-B7rteraf TkssM wlra miM aeaigaee rfatkxprMMiAwi art aaa eat, et-rung Aji a- Bilvr rl. la fnri 1 hM taut UilviHiuaMtuuwr'a''al I Strat ch wTT. war. wttehi.
r.r 1 i mutM of re at diaroaorte. nwitlt. raw 1 1 ataal' aaB)ru nvtt eeletr.t Fngriah. twin tad aYreheaabivifjof the tnt aaalitr, ported CZT awttr-d it- th.bet rur. LT mm-NcA lo.
entrmg aj-4 drop, aleo bra-ie- 8 yt, btiarm. wat i nl ml daab ei.stev. mtao bvrttoBs.cottle titrat ixi'i tc ralii el If la iikm, pearls. an titer pPcvvoata-s. aia risy ui hi, wignt "fcaawa.
aiala. garnets, emere'ds taf sapphires la mn-BP setsefev deerrtpiKt. aad style. ta utaa-rtista e-tt etaer firtlin af gaa. an eel in the Steal tru'd, tad gu-paaeserf hteatr oj t'eetsB apd fiaieh Hirer twoota, barks kurrt, Iu: viitIimi, fans, easis.
rA mw gij Bud hItt an p-ur; a. ank. At 1 jswelry tc.unir imii OoKt sad Stiver WaVrhe ee'iip-it; li'M rl.r-.no-satisr. Jepiae, pal at lever at bv tha anal cUfcia.td F.Dfiiah. ri-vrk irj awtl mk.T.
i-aarlad aitraly ip urJ. oaia rh rk ar i caper. yia. Fr.fiJra Jbhaa. Bmti, fmc.
tttti, aiMl elbera rf ejial r-l-r 7 r-rflla c' r9aa. raaa aaaaja. hauiur. iitm' annb mm f. w-t a ua aar.
apart tr Bd paiB cJ aad araairat'l- rla. la Iw ir-4 A'aa. tha Ufajn aaannBeM at'y alaia ir'aaa atioar-unr BiaiK'irtu aa4 aa tjna'tti, jrwairj raraa witA a. and pla-laaa tpa to ftaiiciaalitr rrcniatrna rrtn ai. (r" tn aJe, ct lata with draaf an4 aprlaata.
Biada at rtr I A. all 4ka afllta IS0'a (ror ae lea. wairVa, tr t. arlfcar mf.Ui lh larrc iM af All toa cr-etla will a aold "itoaut rraorra ti)'or- rr mo umi paa. I GrA.
A or'iojv tW ylIW MtHlirvtHLC fPRXITURE Alft OF EVKitV fiSSCKICllON IHIS OAV Saiortav.) at cVli-k at tfca aarioa aaU nwwi at T. MOI1HRI.L, Nu. 34 Brtway. corner of lnvt- tv rata a n-ff arA aaUiahia i4aiia t1 rtrh cn.taia ma-ia farait ar, ptaB t'rtra. dcat'd chtnt, kx.
fASlOB CRM ITCH-. 0.na;'itr of nchrit traa-d aiaaMaa uf a Dr a a.ira4r at.i jj Bailor tortra IB iy ria'y if itvi- a Hiiu r. -erd Mtrr. Unora-alla pltwb aao hair co h-; reaire a (a aal a-uttahlaa. wuh Earpiiajt and tp naac oaartr.ua tablea.
1 ui pier ffiaiitea, til paiat-cniB rw-h pH framea IINIWO lOOM AJD LI P. HART FfRVirrRIC-Try nperiof Mrto diainr taHIn n( mhrnr. aad aaA d. clia'Ta. anfia.
tc't. a tete. Ion tcti. ar.n aad aas ckaira. iibraty ba -r arrtariea avd mil'ii laalea, li rHMbr.R I of re-o1.
aboaaBy aoid walant Fn-u-li anil ca'r drinitr tJ plain bvTaaaa. with irs with nt ma-h abtar. fommodra. wAidrobca raaa at bo1 rtiaiea. rorketi.
rvt bair matircea. p4illi.m, feithrr bon ad Billon, kR. Alan, td awrtea eff apleadid rntoialed rn-tae fru-rurr, tnwbMl ib ha bioM beautiful aiantar. Alv a Kr; it-riMa of ntbly derwalad tr tei.e-a-teie In, auttorBpa and aaaaera. -aaea.
tail aia tr Piaw fortea and BiAlodio.s at o'clock. C-l-1 'jci on tor Btorujbfr of aaLa. 1.1 asri.l. Wutcott A nrtioTrar! OWJfO-CA. OCT.
ortrk, it hona Ns 71 lt bt betwCD Lith and 14 rt toprD aal tuiti) a-llbold fnrDi oe. ta Ike larf- 4 dnrT cf. aj abora, i ll of wbic i'l i' mpt njr ta hifbau bidder. cttiK o1 rtcb rarred vo ul aniuw, in aatiii broi-ade; uiiiirtc.t ri-roHt wno-fotta; aepaibail talcunr bb fin roetir Bu alata ana brtcirta: Tooemid re 1 tti Bith liUwwd a art twrk neb Unji'ai arret a rarlrrt ai.d Drt aita raaea e-ari aiBWarlorkt. rrtiBa.
oil a impw neic rUi-atta. ait tie top CBBtre and la arils i arm ehaira in da-matkasd irb Hobaniaa vaaa aaHTttjr- tr; Cl3ilie IiOOM Wilton. Br a. end iNr iir Bih.aB etenino, table, ili'BM-li r-s tt'-B-letr cm-i (ablta. nlv.r rpr.
ratcr etke I kariol ioit coilery, cut Bfwre, fce. CUAXi.r FCkKITlbt K.re. JllU nthlcaaT FrtiA iitau f-thic i ir ht-r Qiattr-js Irfmnt ff ai' er 1 rda. oUteri i pill wa; lull r.mrb e- rt tcBTru aad maban d'a i-fr burrara, uiarrl-lap waabatanda neb ikii'i to lat a-ta. oal h-r aii're vial opar aoriar et hi rn.aie Badcottai: da d.Tana.
otU staoa tap arv n-ot cr r- i aeta.ruea.oilrk.tb, uiaboeaBr Bid eaiuat It ritb a ae an1 vainab. km. tnt. Qt mm mailt ui AUrkrn itb cli Ui a ill ctm a- Pnrcaea are aeanred tbat i be iif cut 0 oe will l.e Bid vithotit tl a ir.tnnl i Nu ptfoiie-Ktat. Cataicfart at knrne u.d ar past tlia duur Ao-tioneer.
H-liSOME HOtM.HU. I rUdSirCBK, OIL PAlNlIKGS. -ic WM IRVIN'O- wi fell at aurUiHi on UN 11 Oct 23 at lflf a-9io Eov-4l comer Lioicgaus et Hrouilro tt rraa. rx p4rlo- fait n. eofa araira.
aewita; rha.ii and bom rhai'a Cbinee -irk ti carved. roaew nod cxtre ad tab ea. toicaAe, roa-woad arai rhatra ia iiluah ru'cwo piano. Waaemevar At Obb, wtib C'deanajr'B aobaa at aobaert. auitaa aibro.za avd pcrr.
bib clocks, raadalaira and cnooai, r-al rarra let ela.t Pariab ficurea. aroo and aaa, ParTia arreeaa. pmjier ma-he woik bt.jea axtd lua-a B. porra bib tbw ar Cil'patatiBrs cattlrpi-se by liobbe. Uadacapea by Mnn-Aer, ran blei Uar-acbmUCT ma-ia La ckert laod-rva hjr "bmbeaai.
mtntt Vwberkhorin, 'le bjr Gritua. aketrbea br Nahl -ate color, bi aad a inaiber at otdar fine, pmtntiora by P.aa-1 ibart and then: aA amiuc tabir a. bulTa cbarrs -C Cbiaa dinner, tea and breakiait Beta, rat glaaa ware, be Bitea ac" toanielad Ottawa fn-Bitu a air auattrataaa, leatbecbe'a boiera and biBuketa, ailta. aheeta. fcr.
Twretbar witb a (akr-l aaa'irtiu'Bt afkitohiM fumiture. witb wbkcb the aala will conamenca Coi.to. Ai.eilorT. A tALE, tt HOUSEHOLD JVl BMTt HE CikPtT.OU LOTHS. KRE VCK LATV MIFHOkS, 61LV T.
WARAJ. be, A. -F COLTOW will ell oa rfTRDV. Oci. ti.at 11 lurk, at the Auerioa Hoooia No.
man et order ol a adiBinmtra'xrr a -ry iirfe asrorimem ofho'aae-kold fnriture of erery It st art of rmrwij axd abort' i arlor 'nra'tfe in aiten: BabortfT bacfcrbMra ra; are arte a-tptf. e.i'a bei'a-aja; aid Bitaeaw tahl.a Brt'tvta-drt i.irr a hJ nn eans; anaible-tor watrjMaa.a, ruiw.i in liair-cloib nit air vbaira rTrf-top do; Flearb plate mirrorr bair 'mattreaiiot, raach h3steis. Biah.i ii and rurl taspli ii ira Hrna a thn -1 and inria carit. ltrrr oilrlotha aia-araeea Aiao. at tt.
aawe time thn ba ance of aiiver-. 'a e.l ware: tocrUirr ita a Inrre ciuai' ite of eeria-hr. ir-BiLur. from a family ho j. r.
Sale will bn itboiit terard 'o weather Aleo. at pi irate taU, lo ria oou piano-f in f.xnl order, at a tow price Anthony I "LFHitrit. o-roiieer fkj I KO FARM AT A I ri Tilo A' BLl'KCK will artl at pubiir inrlmn 01 WKD-JSEPDAY. tlie ijth of iroJ)T. tan 12 Firbanre.
trie City of New-Yort. aie-wialilr fariH r.iutaiBiiia; IvO arret of rioi Knl. a totted oi a.e rurhertoB or we era Tajmnike, about 2 mi ei nn" of Kiweore. a.td the Hada-n Rirer. 0nr" Co iaty.
itaj t-tale of w-ork. Ou t.ir farm tneie i tl kto'T fri.oi. lel ie hoaae. filled witb 30iT7. trim a w.ur at-ttrbed ie" Alto han aeua houae.
witli nnm-nos tut bui'dmra. ire vdi.r a tfnaut or f-noer', mt'ire. There la b1m a pond, t. 1-t ei 5el.ent iDrin; mi ir. wita a flat apple nrrrard nfiea ruit tre r.ni! an a'lunr tBcaef email Arait, rratia emea ahtde treea anrah.
(kr tiiar. also a fine vm tab'e ctnlen four a roi ot wetedlaai, i6 trrea of a-ed-d with Wmt-rcriin, Aw, the balaoee Wic rood mea ow anll ri-b The farni la well frneed an-' la exrel'ent on, and the trinity Niwti. a redy market r-e Mar o' the ab. Te. tenia tnd partjcuitia, fan be bad of tb AucUourer, Nj.
7 UrtAd HORftFS New. York 6th it. aadStth at -MFNAGkklG HOB1KS AT AL'i'riiiV. will b. aitld at 664 ftth-av neer th Crewal Palar.
ob THURSDAY Oct HUM. PRKJJ AND 1 WEN TY tSOKKES, attached to HilMK i l'aeliB Moaeem and Menac.ne The wh: jh will take placa at o'rinrA A will ba poettive, re-lerra. and to the hiaheet The lot ro ap-ia ar ry tranrftt, roarb. lad tea' aad rentlemeBa aaddle intra, k-. ad aaay be xanuaed at Taturrsaii'a tbiee date preruu to tb aa'e I BaBHUM' antira Meiiajreria.iBaiudu evpn two UirBfrea.
a.e Ruiuorrt. te-n rajte of icid aaunaJa with wajjatie. ajTir, and all ibe prnher.iaha tbereaato will be ald at pabttr aactio. at an amrlyday, ofwkicb due aetice will be tnren. GEOBOK CLEjaE.Na.
Auctioneer. HIWIT Pai BIEA. Saleauiaa. J. 1..
Taboa-wateti, Anrtionoer. JOirjf I. TAHDEft ATH.K Will eell it II, at II o'clork. at tite aalewaora No 3t Pine, aad Na A4 Cedar-ata a aaaar raent of crreea a wee pierte, rameMiaa. iaMtT.iraji Axr erry rartaty, from the Nureery at Jamea Tno borti no Aatotia.
I daeryduaa ciipntsimum. ax-aria, lophante raraa dealbata. cawel'ia cmiepua, rhodod.arirna. ruan 1-aata arboroan. rUM-bt white irannr atriped Bbyat roiieflorvit, cbaalerit, anerioea amaHtlia co-t'ediavima.
eoecio eUecano. tnte rd anmren poipin li Tbbber Are, baywiher witb a nrJ aee irtnmal of lie planta aneat of ie ht-b are aery rare and rery rbo re. be Bttentiaa of BBiatettra and I the trade eie-tftahy aehrited to tbe Bale. Ml.eiteri rornp'tee a me of Ibe rkcirerft apcoiaaans of t-ai Ttturbura a W. Hfir.
SAF rr P1CM ASD LKirA1T FrR'Sl-Tt RF, HAMVKlRTl', aur Will be a dd TIM 4 i.V. Or. l. at lAy eVi.rk theoBteeta or the Urea Abraa-etwj Hoaaeoa rr.ta tt. doors att of three leraa re wo 4 aurti a la aaUn bro-cattlla.
atitior rkBrwood piaio-lorta. in perfect or.lr, tTuaeauod I look raee ami esr-t tre, rrsewnod mtrb a toa awotia, asae.aad taacy tablea. rxieawwod avaibte top atareTe, wab Buirror door, and kirt, euaa. a eanr and eVerant acb plate iwer aaa rich 4a- but rai pel, oil painuUra arid errrajriua. aaaea.
and at aatel or aaaaetta, a Urae qrantitr of tnilwtt rhairber fnraitura. alte. baaraaent atij ktc-b'-ti fm -nit are with whirk tbe ewiU ro aw ce. CHARLES W. HOLMES.
A.l. 'at-lttaxo. Anctieweer. HOISFIIOLD FUR-MH AM If VINO attTO anil et-tiaoa of elraram eanrej rabinat furnitu-a (Sanidty 'Ot ji at ork. at 707 Br.
way. tbe appet re -m ih be eletaa' tan ad aaaeaood and oak Bute parlor room and bed- hJ ord of WILLIAM BANKS mad vm ryjej HIUI A rr- a tae UBIIBMBed Bteck af ntttNMt. are teivethee itb UBliuaBed eteck ef etock. wiA be arranged la Ui ruoaiaad ed But weak, af which due naur. Jmin-m J.
L-- Aortiaaeer. rPJ JU AKDEVA1ER-WulaU ea at ckock, at tha aalea on- No. 30 a aurwrb cvUeeuaa of ml paiutinars ZZZT fraoMa. ariciaal aI ootna tre tbe old roaa- TT "aleathd aa: r-atiea oa atik attached ta sriaam. Be the i i i 1 paieiei piaeea, t.tre beads.
Aleo. a Ilea of race (hi aa tikabiled. aeV aavar a Yki JFaitt. Aortioneer. 1 rtarra.
tt Har, StaMea. fce T- crork. oa the pratniaee. t7 Ridae atd OiJd. Brooklra; eati eileV.JT, b'aaketa.
bay aadatraw 1 tadavoaet. leaae the haVk- 1 1B wBrkiati order aad A ClRrt.R.Ka i7 1taycar.43reeaw.rh at A Ar.TI?1l h.urwmmm. L-nen- t-. ik nun aH Twobia 9raK, Aur'ioi i KeKril 1 eA uqiiupu laixrv. tt ii lAtm.
AT--i wim UUJn. rrtw.tfc oorrt. tie AUCTION SALES. IHr CRD AT. Ca- 4 DIOlUWIf tkaw aWW 1' WW lTKB TBAtff AS0 OTHEB Pfat'ptry of a rtor4 for m'.
fRTliM vrtmtBi fb richfst d-r nnt.r oi "VT fwcl, cob ib pr of nr PntB n4 ic-1 brtftie c.ck4s wjita wi ot -b-! od ,4 4 feovi (rnt. irmrrjiit nib kibi batvV'Mr! rrocr-pt ica! ruii romsere Bjrh: ncti su-dvs rei roi.7t I. Men 1 h-r relrt6d artinta. rnrr enmpt cruriiiicf rrt reivf r'rr hn-' riA I'-d. fall iMcrtmn nf nrhly oi-Bnt: tir trt4 rrmcb ikit rui, rHtii4m Uii1-.
-rii-5, liTiit. fti- trt i nrl oh-n aid tet -ute rt i nrJi'y p.infei 't iit crd-twiYfti rolt c. Ai. niU i Wkqnet-wnre fturti wJ jiipB triu b.lC -t C4 Bhtyaii IBil ci -1 r-Cil- por- ttf j. eJlOw'' rr oti in ii cot jABtTk thr qniitT.
r- wme torub'trr o. plhto wire. (r in T-l (( it, ira fttrta. ct i rnk ltikfi, t- Bui ColVt wi f-fi irfetfr-n, Jiniifr tn rt ir tV tft nil okvit FffKtiir. to'-iJr mwooiJ at 1 mu wik'lx iet tlrB'Tr cft lumistitd bh1 to-fr istrd o.
er tUMtyi. "o'-l1i ict -1 i ri. 14 ant IS Cot i -lib rl-r ti of rt'r at trf K-ii P. irh ci bi i- htr s. llrr traTe 'ic fi- nBCirl I1, lewnl tBieA' tr-sliiJir cjLup2i.iOua.
Cijt.r cap, A-r 1 he bol fortnir ft rt of th rirhtt4 nf fwL. erti -Jirred at rulic If in Ivl Owmod A -wi er rCTIO OK HOIkEH 1LD rrRNI-ll'hl-THiS BlOhMNG-SML MOtf) -t ti tor Nu eJ Kintu THi9 mohviSO. ftV'ock. Ibj ir rol't-ctifMi bonarhold fuinitur. n-ir'DT nn.bT marb top -nd enm-lle t- tB furpitnie ro-wteod an 1 mik'ior pr or suite triBi.kft-tB.
fbet. tB ljrn, sfati -tiBim. birsaui a ried lomff a. mfctreato, at rafU -va-drottta wraab-t-tBAB. l-KMii pjM.
ftiUeeOB-da. atiivea. pta'eU ware, tto. Sale puaitivF. for cafn (ioot ii.Aurti 'Dr.
Clirton H- 1 nrv-t Bt ai LkjisfHr1 HrB Rl. UODWI miU on MOVMY. tU ibt-t K'J r'rr, Fh utp cntai i 'ha 4-ioty bous No 2-4 lOtb-i-t roiiiitiit af -d Iiik. stiraea. rbara.
almt burrtu iaar, of ni fittu m. rrj.rtp, oi rJu.hr, ku t.r ttaT iritit a lot orlittrlit-n fnrnitura, with mhir.b tbe bjo v-i i cojl-njfoce i-aie pi ti ve. FINANCIAL. CRFAT ni'MA" STATE LOAN OF t.72S.(0 1 be rein.i.iiiied with 1 AHH.510 5r Jh: loan it rautee.i by tif ilnrom'neii' an! ioa-trartrd be the err nnt Hanrdpi Mer A. VON KtiTMSi J11LD A MJN'S.
ia Frakfo't -o-the- ma. 14 of of. 2t of i be Lowing raptal pr rra ftu an ot 3t.0CJ 60 of 3a nw -e 'S IfiO of mati be g.iited. t4 oof 2.IWD 1 i-iO tr An 1 bp rmaili at mxe ia j5 Hie next d'Bwiiitr will take tla- in D'ieero'i'r. lUi.
the mi or (hit i poi.LOWs. laSarefor. 1 1 i sm, jot fithnretfor jl R-y eharet f-ir 40 13harefor H'llW eta "for Tirketawill be for rBrd.d on re of rn'on ai ink notea. ii Poropa, fcc For the of 'he public tiie pnrea rf ihe nL.R,eB fcave fiied vt the above rate, and Hi. f.t-rni neenta ei t- er of PnMrr.
n.it icrf no irrrin from the err. onf cny prrt nrr vkaUrrr. They hve crt pleamre in anroimrinr that they ar now appniutec Sole Arrnts f-r ih hwti for tae Bntiah Colon ir and Forcim I'ai1. thM lat twelre eii-a they have pi i te -i l-rB of l.trn Pri'nin Prrts ii.iiiLti 1101. of dedm ti; hirh are bten diatiibuted in Lcn-iion.
atr Aflrr trie L-awi tarh ba'elio: 'er will receive a list of ibe tui i bera Tie Pr i. pti inr ah at Fran! fort jvi I or ett Inaiea. aiitx Fank, Lonilin, Nm-Vou. ir Arj'ly with i. A KrHWA'ZS-Cl'It-D fe SC Nr.
Hniik-rv F.unt -fu Hair r. any or their Houee. A SlHWAkZS HILLkt I'll No. 6. l.i Reruictau'en wb rh arnre too lute i'i be Ui ihe era.
tr. or. i he pr fer it. i. cit.
fowir.i; be fjr-waided. TV-vV-Tohtt ct St'ai uaIi road ct i.XPANY'6 OI F- AI i ant. I pnbiir are lu.iiri at th C'ouvtrl of this arts nr; no be ohTametlr.t di'. a t.ot at ibiaif. or.
rr it the rranpier i tx tary in Ntw-ork rtot.ioa beee Pofci'p 1 ate ten years to u'. ber't-r rmj an-intt ieat war mite in Nr Tber are i intnoiiof IJlii H.Uki. iwinrt lo bea rr but ma ir- hj uuei iue.ru uiio mreri en arn ih ny. abietooidir. JOHN V.
PBL' 'N, T'lIE I IflR T- A rV V. ILROA ner. tir t'Ttn ibflttte siia.it1 election fi.r tbiitesn o' itnT.niiy, aud ibrre prea de at lb- nett eVctun. tuil b- 1 at the cffireif'he r.nipAn i 1 thi "i op SM I'KOaY. t'J' of lf.il.
betwetn tl.e bonrt if 12 2 P. M. To- trtntf-r bu.ka will be rlosd on ar.d arer The ITU mat the letlou IB Datfd New Yir.rrt 17. Br order. JLSSF.
W. CuNKLIN.SKrrttrr. OTICE An election for three Dirrrtcra of the W-JEKf-LA ZI.NC C'lVPtNY. -il heM at Nwaik. on TXTESD.AY", tie 7th day of November, r.e-t.- The PoH vji le open froa IS tn 2 o'clork Tt.e i boot i be noatrl on Mrusdayihe 2J 1 iLt.
WILLI Ail ffjl'ILH Secretary. BPEFFTKiN. COLFMAN A CO R-icVford, 7 KOBERTSON. FtrTMAN A Co lijon. i n-Jtt-'- AND DEAI.KKt IN EXCHANiJE -Colie; tiona roai'e t.ur viciniiv atcurr-iit rati of t.x-charae Fefer to Mrt-n.
DUNCAN, HERMAN C). Angurt 19, ui4. $1 -FOR wALE Fonr Bonds an 1 Mor 4 a re.l d-u. rubie orenrtr ontbefilh ar tit for 3,437. ene lor ant two f.ir $3375etch 1 lie proper tt ib w-iia ii-al j.u:.tnt amount Applv to A No Merchants' El-rLaBre, rent'a! entrance on Vi all- tt f.rat EIOII1 HAVEM'E BANK BANK OF THF INK.N --tea on the aliove Hink re.leeine-! hi i Ctbt tbe naiBble Mi Gold and KNICK-ERUOCKFR PANE.
PC rertt EVNS'S CLOTHIN'1 WAREHOUSE. Not An al ri3 Fulton t. nn nf ii northern ant cfntral tp 1 UU.lHJUiLLINOlS LA ft US H-ANTFU low pncea 'or rpb ae harnt 5urh la. -t o-ma fird it tor their interest br nppiyiair to R05WELL flFRCE Pii e-rt r.orner'ltro0WAT TaKT1FA HOI 1II'G BII.o rt lH T-i Jl rrawn l.y 8 1CC! CO of Sin or PAGE A. li.
of St Lfcn nn the A-urri-ti I ri aLiebkLt. iip-n to 1)1 NC A "MIEIOIAN a. me-: TIIK ill or THE VI' Hin STtTC RANK r. l.r CtRlMl'B It VkltMlLYi. No.
41 Wall-tl tt percent cierour.t. INSURANCE. riFrrBi.ir tire itAt.aj.tcr T.l;t Compe ta ca y-iia of paid iu ra.L. and eeoi.reiy eir.e. trt pre, ared to irur tea iif.
io Vy file oc iir-t'lietero! l'Urhtrln cfti :ini.Aiiy r-ricet" ptvirt ie-fit lothe at tbe rat of per ct nt p-; a- T.ura i 'he rea.nr- f. are to 3mmh tbe ssoii'K la bear iia- u.t'---s.t which err it to ba rath b-' aoruaiula.ed p' ri.t tiid rti.iui jit to i tkustkes R-u en Wiii.en. Jof.n a Fovtt-, Feeiii: Jamt Wn. Rui.mil, Arthur A C.D.ir-!.;. M.
W. Heicil.oi. Gsiia-ir 1 jis.Lr, Imnirr, liner. Geirrc: w. R'stk, John Smart, Ve I ib.
Chu ltnif i. Ttaar: Tot ppend, Joaiah OsV.it, ai.i.w sj.n Robert rrw-j'--. Oooree i urtie. Ororee T. A t-l.
html Zu Jotin A "tor, ETa-1 A. PeiBu.l. I jiietC. Beil. TV-Hie; fuil'h.
Fred. U. ROBEii-T fi. HONE, Preai-ct-Drwca F. Crmt Recrtaj-T HROOKI-V.
ST IVSfK.OfE COMPANY HaK F7iKr lt iH.i-Otfi.-a 43 Fnjtcn. Ir cort fr rt Prtw-k 'td ar. No 6 Firbp W.i.-at.. N--orV. Thu fiiiv thir capi'a! vx ct tbe Ctftdtiibt tear.
iea and bannf sr.TiSxin rort rnr- t- insire b'Uacit. atorra unfi yirfu hmld'ri frirni trrhin-div Tmili r' t' ar1 tbir naroea, bj-b tv t- at any tutiun WiPi.m Fiworh, Thro. a tioe PhinemT Btim. Kobfr'C RfH, Jihn 4rir-. CVfca A 3qLh A Kp Fitzf Tf.ld.
Ianac F.jv-'rr. w-'n. Oaeil, N. Fretma, Chaa rrw-ea illie Jor4n Br ne Vrrtu iit. Whitir -r-ro-.
Gaif'ja, Onool Sti Wii.i.iAM tLl vvoRIH, Pr-rdnt. William l.wir.ktr, Kwre irr. Offmt: thftit. fibk ntra.ort aPAN Nf ti 1 nh. 24n Tti- w.ib.m Ch CAHTAL of 1 O.OOO, a nir.n.
o' r-Tc. ir.anraa :t5iu.fet om ui-ap dj nr. QiPKCitvM. Onra-e 5 For. eRirh A.
Jnaifth ir-, Vkm Ful.a W. AbraiBe-. BeU, rini r. firv rt r.v lilU ".1 fTkf-. V'm t-J vta ii WiiJker, Cjui if Mi rat-a 71 FOX, PreiiJTOt Pter li nt Ki.b Mfcd.
ErfU'd Flr id, Th. Pe.rab, Ira Ha--Iay, SiVCEL Tow- KTtl, Secretary. rHFIX FIHF ISSI KANCE COMPANY OF IM: CITY OF BH OkLYN I Orho a No Mi" FnlTn-Kt lo Irn aod tn New-York corner of Wi and Jebc Us apitaJ In-arra loaa by Fir. fiTEPHEN CittWELL, Preaideut. IrHlLArFR Shaw 8 rc re tary.
DIVIDENDS. DlTfDF.TJJ.-AMERICAN KXCHANGw" B.ANX, Nlw-V Jar 1AM. A extra diruienu of tea per eer.t cb tha ef ital atork of this Ba, will be paid ob lb Aral day af Jur lit The stock will be increased tfty per nt. or on miilioa UoUara, payable otte-half. or A fly dollpra per ttu.re.CB tbe firat day of July next, aad the other half tB Ut a rth day of November Bert.
Tae asw rtork will be djitr to tbe old a tori holder Ib th ratio of eat there of tew Block te every taw abaraa of old etock ta th tock ledtrer oa the aaoraiaa of tba lik laetaat. The ritrhta to fraotrow part of aa aaay aattl eoaabuiaa so as te obtaim fall at. ar.a ay alerkooMrr tyl apy tira after th Ktb iBstast, pay is his ib fuii, and be entitled te rebec si th rat of aeree per eaat per tiinnrs oa tbe tnaierr, te tbe Noreir.ir: Tbe latter haif of th iBr-reaatwl Stork will aot entitled to aty porttoei of the ettrtii waawa) drn-dravd ta Movembernart. The traaxser ttpoas will be ctwsaa frosa th Aith lartabt th 1st Jmly tmrtnair C- MAltiS. CuhiCT.
FrXTON FIRK IXSrR CE COMPACT Office No. 411 Wa.l-t Oct. 4. 1A4 Th board of Dirar-It ua bar this dsy reWared a djridend of tt Pr ctcrL apon the canttal pa-aW to the atockbnlder oa and after the 16th last. Tba tranafer book will be closed until a'tar that data.
WM. MULLIGAN. Sec tary. SOI.II rlRiil GHI IROS BEAMS FOR FTR PROOF BUILDING. TAUL1 6, STORK FRONTa, fcc fcc fcc Th ondcrt irrned are aow ore pa red tofnraitb aoliu Wronrht ra Be aaa cat ti laaittua.
at a one which enable fir praof boildtnea to erected, at a rrry moderate atlranr. oa the cit of ptecta cnt Th rablic are intitod to tuntu tt Bear htuKlia af At eiaers Mar per It Brothers ia ChrT at whera trier bar been nrd For farther in'oTmatioa apply ta COOPER it HEWITT. No IT Bariiss slip. Grape crow ytnaar of lrir u. 'oe mjc as inch a bar ia dita- tr.
It is alto the arlit Ors'ie tha! rrowa th aj-en sir. tbtn. and the pulp ia sf tM mwtt. The air per or lo anr o'her Grsae erer rrB. Samplt of the Grtw a rat be at at the Seed for.
No 7 J.ita at Ne. Yolk. Aieo Ihe loo: ani Vir.e. ft't saJe A'i p.or rt'ir t-. 1y JOHN JAMES i.
RF. SI. I-L-ENLY RETtRKI TO III LLTH AND VlfJOR PP. DARIUS II A MS ABOMATTT IN VIGOR ATI NO SPIRIT IT 8T1MVLATES. EXHILARATES ISYIGO-KaTZS BUT ILL SOT ISTOZI-KATE OR STIPE FT At a edir.ina.it it quick and em ti tbe worst and u-oai afcraTB'ed rtt Kti'aer ar.a all o-tt xrru at xlut ua aai rcela an fron.
Fi ur ot tt Miautea to lioort It it.ataatly renre tha wort meanrolr aal ai inta. kjio reeto ihe feeb.e. aerreua aad au kiytf ba Ui. Mrel lh ai Tiaoi Aaa delu-ioOB ia retreshmr. etbiUrat.at? arn aiiiriD'aiii: it i.l rr vhir ml' imu aiujerr IHE I.NT' MPI Kl ANtl 1SKBKI41E will fine relief ihe -rn-ne le.liaxt prudaced tke ua.oib intniirai iqunre V(V8 b8 rtraore bo.
frf Ike mjut lrioua aae of bnaort, bare be-rrn ai.d ilieir i rvoua ajeteia. a4iat'ereu ca-tti'utn tt brok in down. a tuojert to that borr ola cures to liUQihl it. THE PELTRTT TREMENS, ill in ten Hinutrt f-l the bappr h-lUkr urint. tn a fht tr oi ur.
AM iKViniiBATiNu spiarr 11AM IMIUOItlLta srillT. WHAT IT Mill. Do Tr HAM. he in.ei tor aud arorerer of t' it Mejieal Hereiaae. main the pnhl.r.
that lor the c. melanin and aiiBit it ia recoramei, ej to remare aa curs, it vrili ilrre r. nor diaaiipoint the It is nol i.ooiono-nced as a cure all. but for the dia-t! tt.iir aiiu.tntt it ia rer moieaded lb- will ll etier-a immediately. out wme-elan fuii aaofleuas ntcettary It is cotMl at all a true doat will in ten miautea, remore bid Or d.ee will in live uiibuiea rue 7 hrte ioee will rrie indirettioa.
will te a appetite I dl.ae MOj Ibe luirruibt pan. a of Drapep4ia On doe wrlr ure a i oieiit ir head ache Oi.e -ttie ruro1 T'r Hi Hani si-'aon Chroni Dr-l'i aia Mr Iruvidten wti fTi irr.d for an ea-t, cmlJ i.ol eat tbe a oat annpV i.hhs areat rferirur one boi cuied bun etitu el? be aoa eala ammai and verrtt-bft1 food eith eeee. Oi.e rute i of Drti.rpgn with Wi rr P.ai Etbrtatioi ieit taking the- iift tr IVira St rtn, of Nrw Yu'k City, wa as troubled w.ib ri.ppia ti.Bt the hau not rat.n n.t' fonr rer bl.e wet enu i.lv rurrri by half a tYitlle She 't Vrni-n re icrro alter takiric on wine cI-rb of the Iuvir S)ni', tbat abe ruubi eat a meat fTbiier withi at diifirtl'y. Oi dce ill ren.oe U.e diswrr t.ble and diatrrtsinr eflicttof Wir.d cr I lafi.ei.cr aiui tnrniou.ent the ttnuiK nv a be lavirni rtMg Sp ru, 'ht diatrenAine load pen ful In Imp. l.e em.
toe. ill rt IteTe Ih. n.npt difctreB.in? pair.B of in the or h-iaela A lit ilw will remorr all ohetiurtions kidney, blad-de oiriiia Pertoi-a bo tt riouely afirted e. itb an) kiduej tl ire tpredy re lef 1 a "O-e or two, aad a i a lira! rtire by he use one or two hd'tlre Mf.HTl.T Prrtnot. who fu ni ditsit atiuc too mnrh orernitrht.
and fril tbe erii ttlerta id tbe piitoun3a litju.ira in neJcrb. tirk ae at tTootarb we.iknr.ts c.ddines. Ac. fu.rt c.ne ro- p. ill uY- f.e:;ns;a.
l.aaieaofpt ki-u utif ruvoaa, tke the iLvaoretjer Spirit th're timi a pf (lit ii nil mtteyoi tr br. Ltalttit ini haj.pr. renK re all ohtti urtiens nid irepuiaiit-t fioin the e.ittrual oicana. ar.il ratorr lb hi.K.ni of hea.Ij: ar.d beauty to the aickly, ahr.r.led and a rare-worn la- KHU NF DOLLAR F.R BOTTLE. R.I)V A (O.
Areutt No ltJFa' m-np arn'rp. 8od br IrueenetB treywhere. JaMKS ct-rner ot Ja.e ai fPS. WrrKI OSHAlU KF.TOK- I it m- i i. oo i nt ii ruLja but de ett fa a -Airta Ar onf-i'lur resti-Ter and urr.nr ofthe Hir ui 111 It i.
no: a 0e l'ne Hair au 1 Wli.ak r-erav ut -i to. ao'l prrs rreo ic the On; rial 1 Ky i nuf, iiri. Sf ant Gray Hi ra i i (tii tujrt 'I In- pia Hud pTvparati haa br-tt up1 at yt-ars tuy btmj tds the in s. AliHtmirmstn-U mi puj-ma in iauc! -hi bad tl the poalrnnrfi f' I he dhy wiljuitt rnt auiy ihr n.otir vwl rliltier bad neudnj thrrjor. bu aern- irn-iDnr thiT a l.ealth IM I lijert-iit ti: the other f- 'he are r.6D-powtd cf a-jch )pj.
Liue catiatir, Sur-tiist. Cia. arreen aud ml of MHi.1', ar- caus. -the hitir tt je.o or. the of Th br.nl.
but whir iu teiitj grrtUf injo- ibe Xi nitb thote bo the 'lb hcatt rer ia r.jJr aj-p'ied. ad -ilj not tati th- rt jifct t. Ita 'Vrct a -trt; in try i.a.aart, applied ftrrttrdii.c io liif a. 1 ae hestcrr, uae-1 wi'b tha Xy'obaariiura, rltiLrfsthe baJT. but inciir-a to curl, fivin it aikft, icrj and ma'- appf-ar-xirf-.
L'c tlm preparation he-I'ljt rttmrt hWnaht 1 tte mor an app a irt-r soft airr. axtd tbtn be it iit.alrvmuiD. Fat. oil, marro un 1 aire Lit. co terioai tjury lo lUo beat! aud Itur, aad auuld lint -wed.
Ihe Btr atorer ill reneth' and presrr-a te aurbt ru re- dtp and prevrut headache, wtirf. titu irnff Fi aidhtrd it of the all unnatnral rTpiration i4 the LeJ It prprent. the fhl iDrof fae hair ai rurfi Uli'iifjj nat aod. ty tbti a.n, ntrlf erTf. buo1 and liNt.
of Ihe bair, will (rrtiuaiiy but lion ruauiri the (rrav let- ka, ad cute tbe to grow iu liie oriiuai 1j Vhrn orce rfctoied, by apptyinjf It a few timea at inter-Tala rf throe n.roUi. you -w'ul not have a era- hair if roti ahoulG attain tb ace if cne burdreo yeara. When uted Uir bn'onesa, muit iter off yonr tx ratcb. piik, or an.vttuu wbu will cau.e a retu-u of The lss-ruf per5yirati-n of the had. era ota aruc ine orMcT? fT tbe Wo'M'a Hiir Rear-pr.
P.ut aiatk? tit rttlor ol tbeir bair whether hfht or dr. a baa htipn thort.Tjahl- provec br I tc eip'ritnci that ireifJn it! a n.cU will iraioie liffiit bair will no: Uve at efier id biarv. It js it ceftrn rur rMa-rli iu th heal us ur HhTk btcr No 2 lor rrht hair, an 1 mm-pcaed hair.e a tnden" to tratrtre ture i s. No 3 it Xrtohai etiTium a mntnir fir dreit nr the hnir ir ole or i ouxife. and ia to ue wuii No 1 or -i 2 ill fA-tjcr on tn.l bie un iuiiapaub1! arLclt the toi'-t J.f Wi.rV'i Pivr r.ff" orrr ani XT'wnnrn rt'ii-e no ufT-'Ti.
t.w of'er Rvnr tlTr-Ta a fa trial a mn nO i hrc to th fr ie.Ga I- rr N'i. 1 i 2. i. pot np in lare fu a1 "iin I pe' ht.ti 0 i irri.friitv tt. I ho yt ar.
Tup X. too ilKiirnum ui nrpsiu 'f rents pei nrt thun i jii. i a' p-ru: s. No surS ratios is -o' li to d'i r. Tr-e rreat d-mn (or of manv worth lauti ion and i be tii ire rtn i ttiil Hrori'-iHi.
Niior? ft Ai tf' World' Hair rer. New rit ib Uie to: tit, uiaU btr fcitrua ure i on tbe direc-ti Arc nts f1 by tl. 7- at te wh- pr a. i-r lrr.etrin" ant' rfumer thrvna h-fut tie I'mir-d ar.d i.ra PnnMpt it, I-an rut. ry auii Mnvuiactorr No BRlmIM cornel Flizabetb Y.
rk. hi SHfuN vKKt -n'r Atcr. Irvnr nti Si Hutj.t an 1 tt. H2 tr. 1 HE aKI.IFIp WOtA PP.IVATF FT)T-1 Al.
Hv Dr A Mai ricfm Pro-ff f.r i-f I if itg of iten One liuar rtdf lif io (tMi.Hf u.j-K, tu oO r4 Fine Itr $1. I.v'if to which a wrcrian sub'ct. fr (tu'iiii 1 1 Kvt. aa aS a a tl mni mh mtt.ir-r are fnl' fietw: il i ttie ratm, the ivaptoms, and ptt-r-e? ie of trrAiinEi.t in a piani. aiile but in lh HfctfbaMf 111 jnff, ens.
It onbnitoo. And thus ever worn an ran riifrver by companntf her own symptom in tbote iu rid( tf cb-rarlei tuA raua a f.f her rnmplaiiAt ard aprrd mm anxiety and Htifi-rirtr The if ahoot a mothit-r ha rficu cf ncil a' we of the utiii't imp tftore tn hr future hraltl, to which her iveneni frieda on-ai UiUpt a ciUh al r. nt' email will nn am matruct i jn and B'tvirr an i ali-- ei.i'aua mary vyin'om which othertiae wouU ibnraaiieii or a How mnv a ifTwriiuf frm nr i ne" antica to the fm' ftvrtrni.bt onTifi tbr the tircta of whu-b thT ictn'iii't, and wh tueir dffLcry forrcda taiiiic medu'hi 1 IIiw man- so'Ter fr.m "jt rrT. fatl'ne of 1 he on b. or from tfitt-r ethu.
weaknn.ia deluiity, Hew ai- in ronaTaut for mm fut a piefftdiriK cr nf Mow msny ha -e di'liru not Lanerrcup ti men a-td and nnCt-rtain recov- from- h.se 1 rt a ar- du" ftti ti aie, f-af-b fin 1 in Us tbe prer mi n. aine-loia'ioit atiil relief H( n.nny bitr-r nio-nepts. bow much ni.ch. bmvf ep apred tn the r. to br huoai.d ut her re ntivea, by a titnajv ase.i ot thi Jt inip-a' le to marry Jul the var-ous aut jrTv tT-atej of at they are of a ha'tire 'rirt iu Tended for tie reamed or thoi-e mti ''lit ira pr1', J-or sa ly rOWNkl.
No tit Unidaff AUM.X SIIFUMAN ii CC Asnr f. No 1 4 PAVFORT, flr bne.e I at No 2 Af.iT Aivhp, B-qad way, 'o at tbe OiT'ii N. li lieTts -t New- JOSr-PH rt'CKER. bile ao. T.
PE TFR-S N.N'o beMnut-t Phi taiiel hi a fn the receipt ot Ji. a copy i 1 be trnanitteu -y fee of poa'Akre, to ti pfcrt of The L'bit'd iat'-s All ur; mnat be a 1-d'e-wf pat ai-'. to Dr A. il'RK'AU. 09ice, N- U9 -i t' t-! Ne-a-York or B.i No.
New-York rci-0ce. 1 ADVISER AND MIRRIAGE nth edition 313 pac colored tnar-BEP all tl disesaeB ol ttie renital or- cssoftte rnle am frniale. will the luteal diacowr. ia re nrodiir if be afr.iclea r.se no reiueJiea lie-f ire lean mt frcn. taiuabic lt- author's Pans ain' londns treta r.
cf pnrt cljseajKt. Diamec and consult it Sold st No. Zu Pru ami free for br the au'hor. A R-MONT. VhtBic-an ai riuxeeoB.
No. as K-a-Ir tl eiorc-r it net -ur tti) tfse from 11 M. iill 2 and t-i in the erer-ins. Smiiiava eioei.ied. A dc.resa Box No.
WI New-York Po- Oibr. We ennrni with the other in remmmpTidiriA l)r LARMONT to the sfflirted Cotrmer 1V Etau Uttw, Slant! Zrttm, Natioasl Dnnorret. Dei Book and CCABPA'R ACOCSTIC OIL-For the cur of pJJI eatBeaa, diarbarrt ef matter Irom the Far, fcc. PHILtrjALFHlA. Jin.
4 I herabr certify that wh I was about years eld. I sraduA beoasna drf in botheara.ee that in a few wontbi I lonad it almost Im-pcstiMe to bear, unleat ia the rery loudept tone of roice 1 remaiacd ia that aituauca until laaia Summer, a period of eirhteea yeart. when I h'ard of SCARPA'S ACort3TICOIL I immediately obtaiaed A bottle, wharh 1 bar used, and aaa hapuy to say it has a-ti likemas-rC alKl quite cured bi. Asy on wiahiac farthtr ixforttialioB of anr rate, wbtcb I cbiak a reiaarkabla wall Cad ate by calUac at nr reaad.iarB, Concord -at first door abort zd Mrs. REBECCA RaXTER Re particalar aid boy of A B.
at SANDS, N. IN FmUoa aa there ia a coanterfnit article ib tha atrkat. THE PITILOTOEEN n. FEMALES' FRIEND. eh at the enrTeriee; aad ill health of femalea may be traced to trrerufantiea ia their peculiar A talis delicacy often del era thara ft eta seek in; reltaf SB til coBtump-tten or aoaae chroatc disease is induced.
Th PhilotoAaa Is tha only rel.ahle retnedy aar painful ant-a a niation, an-1 for nearly ail the roanplaiata peraliar to females. Full dl-ractaona eoc a pasy th meUicine. Pnc $1 Far the rpnine oiieerre my siraatar on the wrapsar, T. C. RIs-FY.
Sold by C. H. N. 19i Breadwar; Ruailoa, corner Broadway aaxl Canal-st. Aaderaoa fc acLay.cor.
Fultua ard ater at aad br dmenats gwaaraiir HAVILANO. lURKALk RISLKY, Wholesai Drar. (lsts. No. i'J War re a ar wboleaals area La, A PRACTICA PRITATK TRKATl-lth with trwt fti ar edition.
54 pace, with i4i arMm i. i ac i nvut, i snn or LB antbor, JOS. RALPH. No. aA3 Hooat-t.
Hears of coaPBl'stioa rroiu fu II o'clock, A aad IU I niacX P. dare DH. WflCK CA BE CONSULTED hi ape-ciality at No. ft Wtir fnir doora wept of Broadway, from I to 1, and Brora to in the rmimr IH. MACK'S lor female atO.1 bt ku lr.
Price from 3 lo ii. A nrr iifaliiht FEiETiTAlirB: Ut tn E1Y" 1 I nod to aa nofailier cur thia anopt doATtap'tia coaroltt tt hap bwa ted. Ok i-ril fff-citamre Prj-e ft Fer aiie at tit 111 Coitn-i' aiiiN 10? Fulvoa-at. MEDICAL- DR. COBBETT 1 1 D.u-t to rwriv with OarvBfMrB4r dtaBe ttv.
im ob-b apcosaiitt tba pnkUw, him mt- aatrt -pee mm 4 prrmaLi ax ruraa. Pis mtlw-tt mf UX i.t i tbe aa aa tbat pcBcurd hr tbe treat Krd. 4 Farw. urn ail ea aadrtar treated with the rrwatf-t csx4.or Dr C. ia a etnbe- of tha Naw-To-k Cai-ratty.
iSee bia eiploma ia kia offic. jTtt a Ia of Wtvi-T-Ti at twtweti ha bam and ViUm-ni onav be roDcama Hi medtf-iB" are afclirah'e to eTf-ry fom rf dlMiH. a tba a -teat ran taka the. -nao-i ipbt ifcct-er- Hia madiciaa fr r-i iie-hittv, a'teT rttaotut tb iraM. lea tli rytf ia aa a-- a audition a b.
foa a dr-ad n-alaHr to ap jta aiMttle Off boar I A tulP. M. JI fc" ft I CUTE It A ferl of GOl'T ti-d RHELMATIC PILIA. which a for bi wb.lpre and retail Ltodd's ro ouo BONESEf CANDY the be-t reniedr for rourba. Ac JOHN DOllD, No 1.
below IRb-at. DR. fOWrtt PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF IHi: AYE AND EAR Haa praeuced went, rears ra thia itj Hit Treatiee on ihe Eye eaa be or tcareiat aiao. Artirinai ir yea. At home rem Sto 4 clock duly, at No.
502 Broai wy. CA A DE TaTToP ER AT lONSWITH 8KILL Par a nop lied trae to natnrs. and rbilJrea le-tk rer-r'atedlbt T. KENNEY.No. lul near lith CITICAOO TO ST.LoTJIwi-New aad oap'jireet "A CHiOAliO AND XlestZll-1 1 RaILKOA D.
I'nited Statee Mail arW Ssp et roots. Two daily Paeeurbr Trruaa loxre Chi-raro of Van Bare aad Srtcrotaji-e F-rat m. Lomt nt Ft prist. IMAM fter.r.ad Rt Lruia isrht 1 65 Trints diirtu Alton (ts ra'lep) withm rn of nart or bsie. sxd cor.ne.-tt ti Corapacy a a-dld iteanie WINCHESTER AFT) RXTN DkrFR (Rcaa'BS iu ectteclios -tii tn.
Paanjrs 1 rajtia tbronsh to St Louis li-ri -1M oat TIME FhOM't HlCAttO TO T. LOUTA 14 1 H'UR3. 1 Cii'ceao aud axiaopm ptea.p ti.tonga Joliet, Hl.wrr- ncton. hrnrrfe'J anil i te Alton; a the puM.c aiii atwicc a whe unporiaut ad-rajalairr of i Lie, AN AIR LINF PCCTj: TO ST LT3, Orrr ar-v otiier ronte ft-Hn cnieapo to toatu west. NOTlC iP.
IkiFOHIANl JONNLCTIONS. at Alton stiiii daily. puitt to makinr thia dirot-t route ti Fmialt QuiB-r Keok uk.aHd kVortrteasterB titourt AtSt Lot l- Concrtiona wittt nrt-cUhnet of sttam-trt for fe-w-OrleiuiB arid ail points on Lower Oio. Tennessee and Arttntu Rirers and A-eo tt.unt.rt for uii points, oa Miaeouri lurnr, it the direct root to Kilos ami iiffs MORGAN Tr Siiperi.cetitJrnt Ckicaso. Aua "A1 AFIIkE RrifTfT FT AT Ve VF- lOflC lo HO HESlfcH.
The ROCHSIER AN REM EF LI.EY AlLhO.AD it no-- opn and in puflalo, o-l an i anj N. Y' iiiL' I f-irnit direct route Irom to Rri it p'er The directness this rente, t.icethcr with ihe inferior eon ttn-r pfTorrjed by ihe wl rrn fi ir y.y fj ihe moat etnabie nelwet i the nojve. iwtnted citloa cli ta ran be pr irurw" at tr Tirkat and a' No 193 Bniadw ay alea in Jt 'Bt) City F-rtcnpe checked thronrh. Freiahla lie Ire.tpcted Irlttfii New-York and Ki.f.brK.er wuii dispa'ch. Aey iiil.irnialiop retired 10 re-rarii 'In retu rki.
be obiai'ed ra'nnc noii the General Freitht Arn.t of the and ERR. Ene Roil. tine (' 8. TAFPAN, Lxprtft Ereish' Ageut, No. I'JJ Croad-tm No Trains on the f.
ai dN on Sunday J. A. KEDFIELD, tu jennteodent. pi ivi I AND ANIklT OLfrTIO RAILROAD. Aairhll AN LAKESHORK Li.VE-For TOLEDO, HIi AGO.
KCK INLAND, ST L'lVlS. GALLN.A. fjl MILWAl'KFF. SfERovfja ihe ri i.eialH. SANLFSKy, AVION, 1NDI IS "id 'Ni INNATt Pa-' i-r th'a root, air not fcuhjctii to ant expense Transferrins-le.
n.e Wea ir Ihe suiveilianre of natom-Hooee I v. ila.iT trairt f-1 Cb Fist 6 A Fxdt-pp Tiaiii wh' oi, (' "or Tjiedo Cni-rrto aid St cuml 3U a F.iy.s Tia-n. t.ui wist sirit of Indir, T-It (Lir.Mi.tiSl Louie. 3 I tib 1 lira Siatuir. AC for Ibco, il St l.r.oit Futrrv 3 JM j.ni Train, fmai we.i t'e the ni-er tor esiiukr a (t in Mart 1.
-er Ra Fi'ih-V l'ratn from rt .11011 of for and I'lrisi 1 rmreb i cau rc ut in llarriad Ti let one S-ir'n'e adent. I'lnri Clevelakii. Jtilr. pj. I W-YOttK ANlt ERIIf IX -On nod i A afier e.di i hrpt.
2 i. a until furtuer i.otice. 1 tii-Mtr 'i ran ti.tvi Fitr oi bum; tt at lolb-ws, i Bufalo Ftrrepp at 6 A f.r Dnulnk xprera at 6 a lo lini.kirk. Man. at li A l.ni.k'k aid Porlalo aid uiiern ed.aie Siatrus.
Rock-lund Prteenrtr at a jn of i .) I leruioiit. for Snffern an 1 in'tn-mediate stttions. V. ni rt at 4 for Oturt'le nnd in'enuedial I jpfM. at 5 3d M.fir Daitirh aid fii.i!lo Fn at M.
for L'tiukirk and Bntfn'o, and liiterioeiliale eiutions Ou Si-ndav. oiilt or.e Ex llPxTriiu. ttlSDH Tbete Trllat fcinB'rtlt But aio tt ilh Drtt-rlaa pplti.dia ttta jit-it on Lata Ene lor al! porta ob the Lake; anj at Dunkirk with the Lake Sborp Railroad for i leriand. Inrmaati. o.
Detrvt. thnaeo.hr McC A LLL'M General Superint audem. I RIVF.K RAILROAD. TTVns-le tre Lanitieis-tt dai it tor Albany anii i Oa ar.d after MONDAY. Aur 14.
14 Ihe Trtint will ran tt -Express tint A thronrh ir four hours, Norlherr; ami Wrrtem Traina Mail Train tl A AI Thr ush Way 11 Eiore-t Train 4 341 Ac con'nodation Tiarn at 6 30 Fir Pouyhkeepsie War I trttnrer Tiaina at 7 A and 5PM; and Wat Freirt't and Paetcnrer Trai at 1 For Ptekttiil at A. 3 30PM aociSup.M The P.ektj ill aud Poushkeepsie Tramp atop at ail the War Stati'na Pa-rt-nc--rt taks at fbarieit Cai al. 1 hripli.oher. lith and SUNDAY All. TRAINS at A.
frain Cutl for Al-toaLy. Ntop.ping al al Wnt Staiions OIYER LEF. Vice President. CIMHAL RI I Lit OA Op-NE W-JERSKY NkWYIRK, E.ASTOPJ, SoMERVILLE. he FI.L Commenr int S-pt.
I. New-York lor A.M.. 12 4PM p. intr' at j.3o by n-mnejs RADJA aTf anil WiOVING. from Pi-r No.
orth UiTer, rB-rr--'int n' I i b. bi st tr A.iit by Ne erp. Rail r.art. te of Cortienut-a: BfTt l.ni Will leave Jo 1 1 o.ite Easton.) at 0. 1 and 10 A a-irl 3 M.
Soeii ntiie iwpt ira. ii. at 6 i.j A. M. Nfc.v-YoRK ami I L4 ABE riir-CKT Lt tve Nev Y'ork at 8 anil IS IJ a.
11 4 and 5: J' at 441 and 9 20 A 1 20. 3 and P. TV EAA AND 1 I HE SOI 1 A M) BAII.ROAD I NITkD PVIb I 1N Iiv Ne al 8 uru I'M SI Bid KOCR HOURS Pare in A and 6 M. lien Lite a' 12 TtiroiiL-h elp ti I III LAU EL PHI A. AND ti.sr, Mt NlCW-JARSEf STATES MAIL AND EX-w-Yoit.
loot of Cortlan'lt-t Bids -THROUGH IN in 7 75 in am! $3 in 1 Tie New. Jersey Arromm'pia-al (2. eloppmr at all war -ta--Id for latftr,) aud ibe Wett. ai.d for 1'alrirv ore Wthir gtoii or oik. ate.
soil iLrrueli basaxe ra to aj iiiigion iu 3 ana A ana r. 'f HOT AND DOSTft- A ILK'I A D. The morrt exp.u't-.. ut tnr iiiilv tniouca iut to Aloctreal ons I'tr. Leare p.ivet Cit-uibra-at ai A.
a nte Kotiar.d at 1 30 P. M. 4 P. M. int.
6 an.i pt Moi.t.-eiJ a', P. same dav. By Wat Tritir. si Arrire at Rntlniid at 9 0 ciork ami 38, taint ereruaT loojre and iro-eeti to Or-lrntbiirg or early ct xt morltifuT. iko-Mi leering 4 and i still todre at Troy leave net; morning at azm ainve at BuriiiLgloa, Mone t.tal ajid Ondeaaba'c, siine oar ISAAl Sup.nBter.dent.
Iif HIGAN tiOCTIIERN RAILROAD LINE. If I Travel. is fu ttK" A 6T Lulls. KANSAS, ai il all points West and Soutiiwtst, can obt.in Through 1 K-stai 8 anil a i iiioisttion roucerning rontrt. fie, s.c, rui'tr br th Nev -York and Ene Eajlroid, or Nsw-York Cn tral Railroad, br applirtttuiB at tn Company's 0c No 1S3 Broadway corner to JOHN POSTER.
Orttrtl Agent, or I. P. DUN TON. Ticaat Aceut. CA1DEJ A1AID AM BOY RAILROAD TO k'H'LADFLFHIA.
foiu rier No 1 North R.ver Two lti.ee doilr at 7 A ami 2 P.M. Morning line at 7 A M. by tleambcat JOHN IOTTFR to A nlo thence by cars to war placet f'a den lare $2. eCxpteai. Line ai by JOHN POTTER to Amn-iy thejee d.pect iu Csrr.cei by oars; throuji in li ourt fare $1 War ar.d migrant ine at 1 M.
far Si 5f. Fmtgrant line at 5 P. fare $1 7j. NEVA" HAVEN AND "lEYV LONDGN AIL- hOAD THROUGH LINE TO NE' LONDON ANI NOtWICH-Moniim and t.d after WKDN KSDA'i Oi t. 4.
trains leiv VtA-tiaven at ili A.M. snu 10 M. for and t.Tiva. of tne ii A. M.
aud 4 P. express Ira-it from Peturnipg n-xt nioroinr trtm Norwich at A M. ai.d 10J A. M. fcr rfw-London, New-Haren uod Neir-Yoik.
RICHARD N. SnoerMrnoeu-. COPARTNERSHIP. IAliNOHHOiN. Tut firm of C.
HULL fc SON lit ti-ti flr distelvttl by ma: ual consent. brtuewii.i-i'i.l of RICH R1 C. HULL, from taid L-Y OSK. t. t.
IS, It 4 Signed. JOHN I HaS wager hcll, Kl.HASU C. HCLL N. -The burnrse of tbe lte fi cf J. till bereafttr lie attderihe HULL St of J.
HULL A HON, br uaderei gar d. higutd, JOHN C. HULl- CH HULL. TI8 DA witharawn from ecr fir-n. HUGHES, HAMFTOIf fc CO.
441 and 48 Woos'er-st. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MM WATCHES AND STEALl-Va SILT ER AI WARE ti -set her with a neb. aspor.msuit of DIA- MONIr4and al; tintiaof nne Gold Jewelry. COIJ) I.EPINE.
four hut es irled tti GOLD WATCHES, fro FN to SILVER WATCHFS. ieweld 19 to PLATED TEA SETS. imV plat.d It to PLATED CAKlt BASKETS to 3 All ear trsoda ar warrted te be as re pretested SWUIRE. LANULK At Xt. Foltosi-st R.
T. rVDTICK OF ITg en that THOMAS C. BROWt aad HENRY Wit A REST, partners, trading ander ta nam) ef BROW fc DKMABJaST. ef Jrey tTity, New-Jereer. tae this day mats tt Btsigament to the suhetri'ier of their partaeitkiB estate fur the trqaal benefit of thair ere ditota- ard that the trt id THOMAS C.
BROWN aal HENRY DEM A REST hare severally this day made aa atsinaaaat of their indi dual cstst to th tube1 1 ibe -r the ronal benefit of their iwanertir rreditor and 1 the oreuiUrra of said firm aad the creditors of paid THOat. BBOviN and of stud HENRY DLM ARES must sx-hifit their repctrr claims, under oath ur affirm ati en. to tbe snbacii.er, trithin three anonths Dated Oct.lt, A. JOHN J. BROWN.
Awigmee. KENS LEY TjARLINUS DREO HOFIE-' No aJ attar Greenwich, New-York. Crtoto hi edirr.ne, Chasnicmla, Oils, Parf uaverj. low for cmafc Cream Tartar, Bath Bncit. Incfgo, AVoobol, Caeh.
Soda, Sal. aVtda, Matches. CtaaktiA Castile Soaa, BaJera'aa, Sotaee Lamp Oil. OU 1 Oil. Arrow ItttuA, Kxtrmeta.
Paiata. a tasr diatslels (Ttra. btajw. dters 1. CtCED tIAF, GOLD LEAP-FOIl AND BRONZED A laisw lisTtmeril of exce liktet fat ea).
at tare a attfat-tary oa as tar.wmble terete as any la msrket. Oidexs iraiterttatis to.tr.ted and pre at or, Ued- PLANT fc HfOfTR, ro 48 BeeAataa t. FOR EUROPE- lJ- are tae tfikowttw til mtj PT tCCaaA Nra." AaWriCCaeA. I.crm. a -TT AJ'AIATTC Cai Co TwCK oSZZZLvTJZZL? Utn aiainaai sai inua.
I rerr eatp. a. eoerct-. a. a.aeta tlaeir an A ard sareaartfc 0'k tr rat.
al, i LWTnTl- do trKlanr. at exit. Atae from Li-ern-Al fe---eriTiVt rarttat attarh4 te aaoh atisa Kt arVa paid for aaa UtOPOPFD DATES OF AILTNa p. wcntci aats tttttaaurt- mol tta-rotl I nut utttroaL. rmTartJst Sept.
Sarnrdar Oct. Fa'iirda- Crt S.tprday. Nor. ratarray. Nor.
rAtardar. Dec. tUtuny. Dec 3. 14..
Ai tl. 18a4 ea.Boai. Or. 4 1A4 wedrtepdas ct. It ism IP.4) Werlaetdar, No.
IBM I Ait edeeatar, ain, i Wednesday, Nor. ra 1AM Wfdiept.ay, Itee. 13 us 1 V-'edaesday, Dae 17 iAM irfct or paatau. trpl' to IDW liK fOl.LIrSS. No Wtln.
H. T. PKOWN KHIPI FT fc Llrer ol. CI I HAN KEN.N A-atD fc Nt. 17 Aastia Fnara.
Votiditn. JOHN MTKROE fc CO No. Sua JfoUa Dtai de Paris or FORGE DRAPER. Harp Thaownersof Ihepe ah pa wi II ae he aernnntaM far f'lii. eil-rar.
bullion, aperie. jewelrr. prenotta pu.net or anetaj aiileaa billa of ladina- ai Buraed Lherafor, aad the ra.ue biiof ta ema 'umtta Shyp'ra take that tbe ships of this Litis cannot rt atiy tro- ut roakrabaoc of war. HE BKlflSlfT? D-Vo RTll Tm PlTc IM ROY A'AIL ROM XinTmi To Lrisr-ooL--f bief Cabin Pat.ace. Se-oad Cabia FSOM PojTolt TO LivrrtroOL-Chief Cl'll Pat re US; Ferond Cabia Passat, tea.
Tha ships frurn pr-alon rail at Halifax. RA I apt. Judkins; AM RICA, Capt Lt(; I BeT Capt. Rjn- KI'KOPa, Capt Shaaaoa; A Capt. Lolt: Stua AR1CA CtT-t.
Harrison NlAGtRA. Ctrt Ficb The. re.sit carrr a rlear Whrt. I isbt at maa. heaJ Gre oa starboard f-ow R-d on nort A I FIC A Harrier lrsret New.
York Wedneedsy. Sept. 39 MAG ABA. I rilr.h. B-et on, Wedne lay.
Sept. tT APAPI i. Judkin. AMFRtCA. 1 tit.
CA TA. KTae FCPOPA, Phannoa. AFRICA. Harrison, MAO RA Leilrh. Jie'tr-t orA, 4 r-- pdcea ly.
Oct. 1 1 New-Vort Oct. II Botiton, WerlcAtday. Oct. ti Ne--Vork, Wedoey.
Nor. I bottom i Wedntsltr. Nov Btrtbt not seenred until paid for. An eri.rieBC.td sue- Ae4B on lioard Tbeowr.erof thpp abipa will mot a for Gjld. Surer.
Bullion. 8 wrie. Jew.try, Ppe-rione Ftonrs or Petals. bills of lading are siao4 therefor, a.d tbe vala thereof therein exore cd or Freinht or Psjaapr apply lo CTrtARD. No 4 Botrlinr trrer.a..
A PAf (ITT A I At ar aiF I.IV KH PtlfllpTrlfl ETS Now campnaea the iolioeriiLK rn ahipa. Aflom. new. iToxsatf. Nor'Aoranfoa.
new. fiAe rorA. new, Hm Adams Cnmbnn new. VrewcAro-t, Hf fotai. JTrattrAer, Crmyrejrrte.
jlBtarrrm, Richard tiortt Crnrwrto. SKmdn 1, GorrtcA, Fr rre. Aertc. yioruia, Arrrer, Fo mt, A 7.. Stddoxt.
Proerrmm new, Eottn Ewered tit, new, Dreadnought ne Wat. Tspjreff new, JfeyrrrtAawrtocA, A tdmc Fottrr. Jno. Ravrmmi, CrmMtrliatton, Crfft rmnirr. JVrts flnmntshtrr, Jnn Rutted, Blate KtyhU.
Iwo of ibe tiott ehirje will i isottrlie. fmn I -verrtool erery et-t tLn ueticut the year; ti.ua papeectrers raafuilr relf oa ni-t bariax sty at that port. THK.X I Hl OF LONDON PACKKTS ail at u.utl from New-York and Lnndtst e-rery ateraate THURSDAY, aad comprise Oe fti'iner tr rery anpe.jor ship nt: orKAN QUEEN, lOUiHtMrfON OESON8HIRE. MaRGA-BFl IVINS AwFHICAN EAGLE. VICTORIA.
HhiN-DhlCK HI DSON. NORTHUMBERL ND. Ptasatr in either rf ehirh ran be enttred at tlie lowest rate DRAFTS AND PILLS OF EXCHANGR on EPSla-d, Ireland Srotiand. Wale, France aad Germany, payable at sight, wi disroant or anr other rhart-e W. fcJ.T TAPSoOTT CO.
No New-York. VOJi CALIFORNIA. PV AND 11 INK iti AICAKAcrUA Arx-e ory Transit C-rn -rt 1 raua. r-roi e'. "rt Twro'is ta a il aas of th mad i i.e spletolid double lb.
steamaHiB NOR1HFRN LIGHT. Cepi. Tinhlepauoh. (8.a tons bu'denj icAtt fron ar No 3, Nona vei at o'cork Ptl trtiiltir, nt Faoa'a Arttu, ti FRIDAY O. 71.
ro. secerns- tb steattpbtp TANRCK BLADi, il.s) toLt orrtr Nic -araa rraa-ai'. To.a atvu but tw.it aii-w land traBaoortatioa. rt.rr.aeaa Tbtac tui-j art unaurpaseed ta thmr rtctUatioaknd aocomtaot-atioLa. Fu lif.i.'a or aa.
axep ci 'y to ART.ral MOROAN. As-nt, Mo. B-rsliu-rrwt N. CouivieitciBs-n "ri 27iB.or Ocrober the its of sailips; of the stetunera wul be chan'fsd to the ltth and 17th of each Buonth. When these data faJ on Sunday the steamers will laare on the Monday Thar will be no steamer oa the 19tb- of Octoota "FoiTHEirrii.
tFMl-KOTHLY UF FOR FF W-ORLtANS. t-'TOPPIJtO At HAVANA. Carryina; the Urutod Mail. Tae teasai CAHAWrtA. R.
8HO-PlI roaiat il-r. will co meiic rtetiTiAx freitrht oa MON BAY MORNING. Oct 1), aal wUJ sail furtheaoore porta on EDNESDA Oct. at 11 o'clock, from ater at for-of Beeop-st North Kirnr. Freirht taken for Mobile.
Paaswnseirs for Havana niast preeiare paaepert betnr. Ittrij pert. Goods An the interior wLU tor warded tree of commit si on or rreirrit or pamare. aryly to LTV IN GST ON, fc Arnta, No 31 load way. Th BL A CRT WARRIOR.
I. Bi bloca Commander, tt di aooneed tre rt Hp -fBi. aud sail THTJRS-DAI, Nor. 9. IAM.
Bills of ltdir. be stmt ia fjr signiiif th canips; prarioua to ths ship's sal ling. ALIFAX. BERMUDA AND ST. THOMAS ihe Royai Bt.ll steamnr UKLEW, W.
SiMPSOlf, will sail from Halifax for Bermuda and SA Thornas, after the arriral of t- Ro al Mail steamer from Boston, on tbe nndrimeutuntd dates Thursday Nirht Anrnst, 11M. Tlinrattar Niaht tHth September. IAM. Tbuiaday Niaht rrith Ocutber. 1AM Thursday Nutut Z3tl Norember.
18M. Tbnrsdty Nisht 11.1 December, ISM. Ibnra. ay Nirbt ISth January. 1A5A.
Pai-Bare money f-om Hnlifal to Bermuda fi5 Patnage money to hi. Ik'mt 7 CUNARD fc Halifax. FOR NORFOLK. PETEnCRS A-D EICH-M ON The Ma JAM ESTO E. ftHKIT.
Commander, will leave P.r No 11 North. River, on 8A1URLAY. Oct It. at 4 o'clock P. will ar-rire in rfolk the axt aft moon and Petershnra; and Richmord ibe followias; moiaiBAT.
From Norfolk paaaea-gert lorlhe South prrceed by Railroad direct, with throush tickets from We. don. to Wilmington, AnttHA, Charleatttn, Atalacla, fcc. fcc. Ptsppse snd fare, room included.) to tt to Petersbart; asd Richmond, 19 Steermr pastair hAlf-pnre Apply to LVDLAkl fc I'LKAfcANTS, No.
31 ttroaiiwar. STEAMBOATS. DAY BOAT FOR ALBANY Th will known and 'svonte steamer ARMENIA, will leave New-York, foot of for A.banv and intermediate land-lDf-a every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAY Itf.Tr.inca. at 7 o'clork Returning, lesres AlSanv every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 7 o'clock. For further particniaxs inquire at the ofMca, loot of Cham-list a-st.
CVPFF.JIE COFRT, IN THE MATTER OF TH lO TAKING OF LANDS FOR A NEW RESKUVOIal. pwo 8tli and itsth and the ith and ia tha. Ciiy ef New -Tort To all owners, mortgagees, leasee, ocrmpanta and! other peraotts. in any manner, br ladgmeat, door or otherwise, entitled Vnto or interest is tha lands slid praxis! aher mentioned, or toy part thereof Notice is her.hr given that yea ar required ta appaag before tbe CommtaPt'mera of Asprat aril ua the abov entitled proeeedir-g, at theiroffire. rto 133 Broadway, third aiory, front room, at I o'clock A M.
oa any day fSua-davs excepted) on or prior to the list day of October Bent and to produce the evidence of your title ar Interest therein. In default whereof and ia case th peraosu tt-titled ot rr.tertated as aforeeaid. ahrtil But be asoe rtalaed by or be kaown to the paid Conimiaaiortera, ar be fully known, tbe aame will be reported to th Supreme Court a belonging to unknown owners. It being the desire to contnmniate this Itpwat lmrrro -ment, ana to present th report at tha aarlsest dayeAta-aiatent with a proper aa animation aad dae retrard ta tit rights and in'ereata affected, it it ettrneetly requeated that aii pnrtie note ardromply with tlie procedir. notice as no other or further notice will te issad- Dated New-York, September 1.
ROBERT J. DILLON Counsel to the N. Al pspcrs published in ths City of New York ar requesiei! to publiiii th preceding notice until the llrt oaf or Cctulier nest, oece ia each week, and to send thair bills, wnh aff davit of publication, to tti oltlc of th Counted to the to be pikid oa th linal taxatioa of tu proce.dii, Rt. tt-law-tooS PR ME aid Cooatr if New-York. FRAC13 VOSE.
for money demand on ineract. (Coav not ser Tc tl.e le ieir dura Yoa ar. ber.hy nsawid, aad re-quired to arswer tit complaint rn this action, wturh will bt) ti ed ia ILs oflioe of the Clerk of lb. aad Coutty New. York, at the City Hall of tii C-ty -f N.w-Yerk.
aad to aerrc a copy of tour arswer to ths tid oorapl a-nt aa tha at their office at No. Tt Wall-tt ia th sui Citr, within twenty drt after ihe terrioe of this iaiun.iBS on yon, erclusir. of thsdarcf se-hte (ee; and if yon fei! to answer th ssid compisint within the Urn t'oresiKl, th platnUiis in thit ection will tske rudtrmest atraitat ytwt ftr the aum of pucty-four tnoasaad tw hand rod etotla aa exry nine cent, with interest from lb at day of Senc. IAM, bt dee cost of this act on Ds.ed Sept IAM. BENEDICT, fc BtNEUICT, Pltintiffs' Attorney.
Tha ct ip' tint jn thit aeti ita wits filed ia tn ofBot of ths Clerk of th City and Coenly of New York aad tat thia at th Citv Hail 01 the ttity of New-York, tan the lh d.y of Sect. Dtted Sept. tt. 1M. FFNEDICT.
SCOVIIXF fc BENEDICT. t29 law6wF Plaint ids' A tart key. BY ORDER OF HON. JOHX DI CK, Jastir ef th Superior Conrt of the Llty aad Cttonty af New-York NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEJ that aaattaohtaetat has letoed, directed lo the ShlLff of th City aad Ceanty 01 New-York, cotfrnandiAX him to attach, seix, and aafeif keep the shin or Teasel railed tha Jrm, bototupng- to tha port of New-York, and last eosBatdal by Jttixs WtKltlT. and that all pemte who claim to Save aay sWataads aust the sa.d Tense 1.
her tac'lr. spoarel aad (aruart, andar Ut proTitiiin of lb Wh tit) of th SU chapter of th atur past of th Revised Slatntet.nrt recwitw to deUrttr ta aecoaat ta the aaid Jasttet. nt tnham- bers ef tha attieoa of tn Superior Conrt. ra ths City HaH. City of licaxii Tetael 11 Mt Atf th.
tt.pl Mwtaar thereof, or Beats int.resled the it. apoear and discharge tha taud wmrrasl eccordisg At fatw.withia the sail three montas Dated li7lt ISM JARXD BPARKS. A town for Attaching Caw-tag. Ka Jeha-tt. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER wftkte Srra of the I nil ir of New-Yoxa.
tKXire harebr e-irea te as! ecponl harlar eTa. na a ns EDM UND A. CO NC KLIN Eta af th. City of New-York. th same, with rowrheTt the of to tha abecrbers, at tht oftio of SPA MAN fc ARNOLD, foot of lh-t, EaM Birer, in the City af New-York, ea or bete the ITlh das of NoTeeaber be th i5r at.
Mar.ltMw SELAH D. SEAMAN, Fiactjlor, MARY JAAE CONC ULK I aratn ygT-1 IN FTRSCANCE OF AN ORDER efthe Swrrocs of th Cttuuty af Now -Terk Notio is hereby eintt all ttrtott ktnu c'utat armi ast KLIZABATH' MOOH at. Ja af tAte City of New -Term, w-idww. Stntstid. te pttstsd UMssuste witbtwarbe tLereof 1st the sAwrnber at bat losadaao.
Ne 11 West ta the City of New York, ea or befe tbe ink ay ef Ee New-York. tbe lMfcr Jt. not Hn--wa aLfsj MOOSX. LEG Al WOTICrit. ecr 5'MT, aisMtibsw and i Alt fkwaa tntki 44 ta tsd et tt Prrer ta eao.1 Ctt, Wa.
CwaelwwMsiItBJJ i 1 ssbb 1 sw. awrawy ant. aatwa wt a-a ewaer eg wBatra, ac rat at a ocnrala, af all aoawa ai bw a. aad imprwtwd tnd It proved laara tktn i aad to ail other wboaa it aaay ate t.aa follwws, ant 1 IBST Thai kaaw atahrtitd ear ttartlaata aad 4W- at all nttrsa-who aaay Ve re are so. rail A I'BW 4au5 of the Com rte- ta etwee, and te th ttfir ettts re 1 sat 1 ib nu.
tltr verified ST, rta star Ch.rrtr aa. ai th effire bp era, rt. a rbaatttpts-st (4 ptiwy fr it rwosaO BB 1 bum.k ear JL'rT. sv4 T-Matat. atad AVta.
tifte Faei. Rji-r hovinded on Uaat he tbVll WA IbbBB) ffa I Ikaaa ataaat a betr sen Aveaae A and Attttt and tat tha west kTt IPs or ib centre of tba lilorh bsiwwen Arenaa A a tw Firpt A rewae.as the sasa ar laid wt aa the I'l tit Jttlit trt ith aatdMatJ Fifth Tbat oar report herein will atwaeatad ta wh Snrrenv Cot rt af the Stat ef New- Ttit T. rm I hereof, lore held at th Citr HtJ an th aatd Clttu on Saturday ths ttk (y of Dwoeiober, A D. IAM, at taist ooeaii.g i trt onrt aa ibbi aay. ttt that tBea aad i.t at so on ibtrrtntr as onwti can 1 be snpile thpt spit! et nort EDWBRD WEST.
---n '(Vrftar, ANTHONY 1 r'l mi 1 si it tan I G'ORGEE BALDWIN. Srw-Ton, Fpt IAM SCPR1ME OI the mailer of Ut Aakeaw top of ibe Mayor. Aldermea and r'omnotiitr ef taw Cut of New York relative ta the OPENI JO OF THA V1N1 AVENUE, froaa bioomiagdaie road UXa aA We.theCUmtn SB aal 11 1 art ttH I It, bcraLy fiat tre arse to the earns; art tsttn, eooweaat tar trv-npania of all bouaea and VoU aad imprortd trr ntttai proved lands aiTrrtrd thereby, aad te all ethers wheaa At may roor.ra, aa to-tiit FtrH That art hart evert pi; a ptxr tlfT.yt aad aaaaaaa-Kf Bt, ar that all pvrsoot wsofe interests trt afTteiatt thare by. and who n.ai Its emoted te the aassa de srsssad th.ir ol jt-tHiia in nmung daly sen hod. ta WILLI Ant SINCLAIR, Fro awr r'harrnaa, at cb offtrie tha ffpea-BiiaaiotMrs, No 1 Chaabete-at (aeetaad etary.
I id 1 om in in CUy. on ui befor th UtA day ef Neeeaa-ber 1AM SrctmS Tbat tny nertcsA at- pertoot wht ntay tirrsitivis sggneveti by said astitrat and 1 will be heard 10 ppcaition to th am. before ism. place, at 3 a ciock P. M.
an tha td day af issmkal, Third That tie abstract of ths said stMrnttttad aaaeaB- totrtther with our maps, and also all tn amdasAtav estin.sus. other docnacntt which war ai by a ini iiiakii oar retort htv been dspotitec la 'k Street Cotar-misaieLtr Offir af lh fity tad County of New Yatrat. -tin 1 to rtn.aia aatil tae AM day aflisi as tin. M. -f FotrrfA That the timite embraced br tbi.
are aa follows: All those p'ecee or pwreelt of Vaad. eitas lving ai being la tha Oily af N.w-York, aad (Mtaaai bo tidet of the tth-ar bet the tort her ly ttda-i oth t. snd the southerly aid ef 15rh at And aleo. ail those other rmmrmm st mt 1 bounder on the eaat bv the lira af the oca ire ef th. biweAL li-tweea 9th ar and Ihe tth -ar end ob tha wwst by that line of th centre af Ib block betweea tba Mb aaa that -tmb a a th aamt a laid al oa tha eailf Maa of that rrcmiasioner.
FMth That anr report harain trill bs pi SBsated tw that Purree Court of tba state ef New-York, at a Spewed Term -thereof to be beld at the Ci'y Hall in the aai City, on SATURDAY the t3d day of De-ember, A D.I AM. ti.e cpeai' oi tbe Court oa that day, and that than easl theta. or as anon thereafter as roaaaal can aerd.aI rriotton win snaoe tnas sato reaorx rt. eotiai I WIL1IAM SINCLAIR-1 GF.r6HON Coatmit JOHN AKafa, Kiw-Tott, OdA. 11, 1AM.
-i OrPREME rOtJRT -I th Biatter at? the All ttsa of the Marar. Aide net and tNtwtisietaelrp. of C'ty of Nrw-Ym-A. relalrv a to tha OPENING OF klGkA- niin bi rt pi, rroa tns m-tv a rtsrw-y m. wt, tnt atirasnasrs eg Beat rcata and A wasp est here, beret give Bwtie at tha ewner vro aes.
ortxoajit or oot parts, ot all hotute aatd lot, and rrd and apiarpr red lands A-bcAsd thetwew. and te all othera whom it may eonre 1. ae fullest, te wet First That we Par eomoleted cnu estimata aad awaawar-Bieet. and tml all prraona whoa interests art BAteted theratry, and who may be opeaasd to tn eero. da BrastasaA th-nr objeruoaa la writing, daly rer ad.
te Liviaga a LJw-ingstoa, oar C4rtnaj a. at the Ofhoa of the Csaaav aioaers, We Al LTtattrt-tt Itaaoad star, fro this City, on ox before ah 1KB day of November, IAM. oerettr mat aar bbtbssi er nsi the pert titgrtaved by aatd est ate and bbiibbbmbI. mH bv heard 1 oppew.noa to th asaae. fcafm at.
at Ut asaw. rlae tt 1 o'clock M. an tbt lith dar of Noreaaber, 1AA TAs That thttrnet of ths said astimals aad list at iseat. tfttrhtt with onr map, tod alas nil th ail raaa. est irate, sat! athr dominant which we nsed by te kt ranking oar report, bar beet daaosiiBd in Aha Btwt Ceaat.
tnuaaioner'a Omct of th City aad I oa oi Jtew-Yestk. to reviis anut use 1 tin aay or liter Barter, ia. FbttrtA That th limga tsnUiaued by Aha ill it tfereaa d. tr as ftd'ow All thoa siaoeia af lead, tin a the aad City, between the- aeeter lv aid af th AAh-a. and tbe Eeet Hirer, sad eiteadiasr oa tha avrsrthariy aaatl southerly sides of 8 ta ths mid af ta taavnk eat either aide thereof tad.
fifth That -report kTin wtTJ tat pusiattt tt tin Saprem Court of the State of New -York, nt spnalat term thereof to be held at th Cit Hail in th aid Citr. ob At turtle, jr. th ltth day of Decern her, A. D. IAM at tlta open Ing of the Court on that dag.
and that than tad Ik si or aa toon th ereafteTas oonaevi eaa be sard, a mots en was attd that eaid report be aotjAi mad. LIVINGSTON rurnrriij vKiiPs. 1 1 laarn 1 asisstait TFRERCE A4-OCIRX, Nlw YolA. Oct. A.
1AM. 1 aotdtS SFPREME COURT Ia th attar af th tpplioa. Hon of the Mayer. Aidel en and Csmiiumtltr af that at- City of New-York, reiativ to th OPEN1NO OF EIGki- TY-FIKST ATRFET, from thMh-ar. to th East Rirar.
ib the City of New York We, th fwseissi 1 mt Ata- -1 timet and Aseescment her-ia, hereby give netioe ta Aatt owner er owtert. orcupaat or ocrapants ef nil bouse Bead lots, tsd improved and aarmprovat lasd A acted lb saw- T't 10 oUttia whum tt may ooaeera, ae loUaw. ta i Fvrat That we bar entapleted oar primal aad aa- sesametil, aad that ail pet so whoa ta terttate are a if soled 'r thereby, and who may be opposed ta th bum, do preeeat their obtprtiopa In writing, duly penned, to WILLIAhf WORDSWORTH Esq oar Chairtta al tha amo ad th Ct mmittionera. No. Ai Chambers et (ssesstd see.
front room.) ka this City, oa or betor th titfc day ef So- 1 vember. 1A54. oVroftd That any pertoa or persons who may eOBBtdetr inerp ivet aggnevao oy saia esiimaxe aan will De beard ib opposition te the taste beror tt as eta, i rwto eg persoat wfi ttty nntat law tbeaavwa agtrei. i taid Ewntat nnxt Aittst as a. 1 -wrt'SBtUt w.
rwtar tt, tl la 57 at I ciecA I La. 1AXA af NeewBakwa. 7 -d a w. ail the a ia- fTrrr rT -rws'ted at th tnantwtte er Otrk ef Ik. Citr and Caaat af Ne York, thee t.
rtatit antU tbet-h da af nt. taaa octTP-TAtl the limit are a. fol w. A tboea piece. artTItl i.T-I- Irtg Pd being in the Citr of e-Wk atd rro'eS -both aidea ef avtaee A il, rroanitt at aasBmatsag nt tae) Thud That lb ahetraet af said eeti Baste and as test -i-.
ment, togsther with oar map, and also all tha Bifid. vita. ettiB. ate, ssd other dor are en ts. which were ated by as makint oti ri4rt, kav been dtpotittd la ta Sitttt I-1 Committiontr's CifTice of tha City aad ConBtr af New- Yortt, there to remain until th 30 th day af Decern set.
1M Fourth That Ihe limit embraoed by th sbb Beseteet aff rcaaid ar a allows All that pier af lan anna ed tn th aatd City, belareB ths easterly thdt af th MAv ar. tnd th East River, and txtendnr on tnt nat-thttlr ana pt ineriv pwes 01 sist to an anil i at aaa rti Bar ob Cither tide theieof and tide Fxrth Tbat oar rot -tnt bereft will be presetted tt SuDteme Conrt ef the Stat af New. York, at a SrtecieA Tt rm thereof, ta ba held at tha fTtty Hall in tha tttd Ottr, on HATURDAT. tb. BUib say of December, A D.
IAM. at th opeaiBg of the Cewrt oa that dar. aad that thaa anal there, or aa seoa thereafter aa ewe a p. I cam be beald. at motion wjrl be atsoe that aatd report be rasniimad.
WILLIAM iDiura Bins tr AR1 HUB T. M1LLB. 7 ABBiHAM MOOJUu, Kiw-Toi Oct. 17, H5 COFRT OF COMMO-I PLE A FOB THE OITT AND COUNTY OF NEW -tw of New-York ROBERT BUCHAH. plaftttirT aaw at THIODORE HYATTaadMary Via wita, thaldaaai m.A t.
Wt tt mana. Alfred L. Wiaaas. tad Ann. hit wife, Normaa T-Wiaaaaaad Sarah, his wie, Isaac C.
Wiarsatasstd Elian belh, hi wife. Jobs H. Dapoat aad EUxabeth DapsaA. te fendaat Sun mop a Fer lelief th above tamed dat-ferdtrps ALFRED L. WINANS Bad ANN, hi wife, NfRMAN T.
WINANS and SARAH his wife, ISAAC C. WINANS aad ELIZABETH bis wife, and JOHN ptJ PONT, yoa and each of yea are hereby a 11 as at bb si aad rat oairrd to answer the complaint ia this acitoa, whioh ass fiied ta the otTioe of the Clrk of th taid Coart tfCinaaa Pleas for th City and Con sty af New-York, ta tha Cat-Hall of the City of Nsw-York. on th tth day of aepteaa her. 1AM, aad ta at a copy of ytrar answer te th aatd rompuupt aa tha Bnbw-ntter, at hit tffioa. No.
Tt Mai lag sA. in tbs said t'lty ol New-York, withia twenty daya sA.r taw serrioe of tkvi vmrrw on yoaj, emclnstv of th day ot Bur. tervtca aad if yon mil to aw ta said ssmsiaitt within th time aforesaid, th plain tiff in this aottoa will apply ta tbt Covrt for tnt relief de atdd nt th plaint. Dated Jtlsrw-Yorfc. September A.
IAM. eS-law-AwaV WM. LOW ERA Plat Att IN PIRAVASAE OF AN OKDEB tf tamsM of th County cf New- Ye'k, Bot.ce I hereby grvea to ah perwat having rlaime agarost ELIZABETH AAiERAt LEY. lat of lb Crt of New-York. the aaace with vouchers thereof ta tha eal fx- of SHEPHFBD KNAPP.
No. 7 Gold strtt. StY ot It w-York, 00 ot Oefore tba Ikk Bay ef next. Dated Naw-York the Ud dar of Jejte. IAM.
PrrFPHsRD KNAPP. Arfmmiatrators witk MARGARET B. HA EBJil Us will aaaeTwA. e3e-laWBi PtTB RTJANCR OF Aff ORDER Of th Srrr t-tt of ths Cttnly of Ntw-YorA, aottoa ktrttrjim to tl persons having claims tgaintt GEORGE W- SCHOTT. kaie of tha City of Nw-Yerk.
tebaocwsuet.de-gwaatd. te street tha name with vase Bare asses' te tttet auber ribera at tbe phaee of bnainees of tatt L. ti bet No. 177 Washiartaav-et ra the Clip of New- Yeefe. att at before urn tnm aay eg mat nasi, -jjotew Maw- ltth dar of Sentemher.
I KM. -YatK, tAt CATH ARIlf I A BT I0TT, AaafalgTr ix. JAMES SCHOIT.AaaaraAat. sra-lsw rtoe- 1 FTRBTJANCE OF ATI OR Est OF jTg BT A SMITH. nrrog ata of tho Coaa ly of Kiags, noue ha aarepy grr 1 tr rant toisw.toaa psraoas Baring as ai net DAVID Vf Mt'RPHY.
t. of tbe e.t. mT lva. ecaased that taar are reowt red ta evbiapt the ws with tha vt lachen i the e. to tho seAaauriiieg.aA Aaa tatsa of JOHN A ITH, Est-.
No Conrt-eA. tie city af -Brooklyn, ntt or bsdore the Vh dar cf March next. Dated Sept 15, 1AM. UENMT OA XT. rl Itistrt lar 4 a -UwtatS II FT TACat OT A- ORDER, of JEBSB tsf a.
a. ta nt s. ut Ctiv ef Ni York, tat er Be tor th 17th day of Norember Bert. Be tad, May rt, aAM. JAMA A.
H- sttl.l 1 tttTBltr. myis-4ai wm-tner. ex i. mhwob. it wewi tk.
1 mt New ar awfotw ttta IA aarasf Dt hog next. Dated, PTaw-York, tats day 4f Jaeva. IBM. JAMES STUART. ddaiinlMrntof.
wtth ar pan-lawtS AT OTIC All pan ant Bring i 1 NATIONAL OIL COMPANY. mooryeraAed br Bad tjKtr tha laws of th State of Now-York, ar reonectr te pi a tbe tame te the Sex etary, M. WILSON, wi 1 plater towchort af thmrtiot tctaao. at hia eeSee, N. lt Gewtw wtrk-at-, ea eg baiar lat dag of March.
Uli italed AagH. 1AM. taaI-Lawa-xt) 4Br AH ne re hart ebaime raitjt A t. viu tl 11 1 1 4 r. ne-ted to greee at tho saaa tho Seswta with prrmor vet: of tatrli Are.
ffo. II aw og heme, tw l-t day esf MansaVi i-De aV U. 1AM. laaa-lawt-Mvl AJ ITH, Bnrrot of tht County of Altft, aottoo it hereby givoa, at anltntr to law. to alt Be laws hi rasr trlaimo a attt JOHN B.
GRAHAM, tatt of th city tl ok lyn, riarea eed, th thoy ar isoaai sd te eeaibtt bhav as mo with tba tosa hei. thereof, to a eaeemHar. at haa IM PCRSUAJfCEOFtA-i ORDER ef tho Iter 1 ittt af tht County of New-York, Bot at hart ib trtwea ttk til Brat 1 htnar claim aninst ROBERT GIIXESPIK. sate ef the est Glaguw7lcottd, and fat wiiity tf Now York, nates. te areata! ta ea wita vwstrhers thsraaf ta mattac Tiber, at hte No.
lt fc at lap li i -i- 1 1 m. tr It i A. 1 1 ift 1- 1.