The Art Of The Tessen {A sakura haruno fanfiction} - Chapter 4 - Mrs_Abyss (2024)

Chapter Text

{this is a week after the last chapter.}

{btw the outfit she's wearing is at the top but it doesn'thave the mesh midriffinstead its just got a black fabric kind of layer.}

Sakura had been told to meet team 7 at the hokage tower for a mission but she had to first go see if her weapon was finished, she brought the money with her and walked into the store.

"Ah hello, sakura you came at the perfect time your weapon was finished just a couple of hours ago." the black smith said he smiled as sakura came up to the counter what an ambitious girl he thought

"Thank you very much." Sakura said as she handed him the money taking the weapon off the counter it was fairly light.

She said her good byes before slinging the weapon onto her back.

When she got to the hokage's office she walked into a scene of naruto berating the hokage for not giving them harder missions and iruka sensei telling him off whilst sasuke sighed and kakashi just read his book

'what a nice family we are.'

'for real'

'speaking of family when are you gonna have a family?'

sakura blushed

'I'm 11 inner calm yourself'

'maybe but its never to early to start looking how about shikamaru he's dreamy but his hair kinda looks like a pineapple..'

sakura deadpanned inner was so chaotic

'no now shut up.'

"Oi sakura listen were going to be given our mission somehow the dobe has gotten us a c-rank." Sasuke said nudging sakura.

Ever since she managed to land a hit on kakashi he was being a lot nicer sakura didn't like it.

It wasn't normal.

' i agree with you SasuSaku is so overrated.'

'my god you already came up with a ship name?!'

inner was silent and sakura shrugged

"okay guys meet at the gates in 2 hours for the mission." kakashi said sakura had just missed the whole debriefing


Sakura walked up to the gate 2 hours later she noticed only kakashi was missing


'for real'

she was tapped suddenly on the shoulder

"sakura." a familiar voice said

"what's up ino?" sakura said still walking

"can i ask you a question?" she said not realising the pit she just put herself in

"you just did." sakura said ino face palmed

"can I ask you ano- actually, what are you doing and why do you have this thingy on your back." ino caught herself and asked her question staring quizzically at the sword looking sheath on her back

"I'm going on a mission my team is at the gates and this is my weapon." sakura said she noticed that ino's team was now near her their sensei asuma looked at her fan quizzically

"Alright but why are they at the gat- *gasp* your going on a c-rank!!!" she started to ask a question but gasped as she realised sakura laughed under her breath

"Yes, naruto managed to convince the 3rd. Somehow anyways I'll see you in a week maybe I don't know goodbye." Sakura said as she ran to her team not giving the yamanaka time to answer

She was then told by an annoyed sasuke that they were escorting a bridge builder to the land of waves


Sakura was walking with her team when she saw a puddle.

She kept it in her peripherals , it hadn't rained for weeks.

As if summoned by he thoughts two nin jumped out of the puddle.

She jumped back and unsheathed the sword part of her fan.

She took stock of her situation.

In front of her kakashi was being dismembered, brutally by the spiked chains the shinobi carried.

She prepared an attack.

Sasuke was taking care of the other one and naruto was stood stock still.

'f*cks sakes'

"Seijitsu Kaze-ken"((Wind Style: Faithful Wind Blade))

A 10 foot blade of wind attached itself to her swords shadow, making any blow that actually hit deadly.

She swung at the man and managed to slash him lightly in the chest.

He wasn't fully down.

Then kakashi comes out of seemingly nowhere and takes both the men and ties them to a tree.

She pant's, taking in air like a starved man.


Inner corrected helpfully.

Sakura overheard tazuna and kakashi talking about how his village couldn't afford an A-rank and that he needed to build a bridge so that something something or something and she witnessed naruto stabbing his hand for some reason.

'that idiot'

'tell me about it'

'could still make some pretty cute babies though'



They were walking to the area were the bridge was going to be built she saw something moving.

A white rabbit

She ducked as soon as kakashi said the word.

A giant ass sword came flying through the air and landed in the tree next to sakura.

'what f*cking luck'she thought begrudgingly.

A man came and stood were the sword was, he was bulky and had bandages covering his mouth he wore a mist headband that was cut.

'A rogue'

'Yea, no sh*t sherlock'

She was alarmed when the man swung the sword at her, she jumped backwards and landed next to sasuke who face remained in the same stoic expression he always wore.

Naruto looked like he was about to sh*t himself and kakashi was fighting with the guy

"Well if it isn't kakashi of the sharingan." the rogue nin said sakura paused for a second her fan almost dropping from her hand'of the sharingan'stuck out to her.

Wasn't that sasukes clans doujutsu?

Sasuke seemed to notice as well because his stance was messed up his face was just plain confused.

"Zabuza of the mist." kakashi acknowledged

'Zabuza of the mist, isn't this that guy who killed all his classmates in his academy'

'Yea, I remember reading about it'

The fight went by in flashes, at one point it was kunai against massive sword.

Then it was rapid taijutsu.

Then, they started doing identical hand signs.

They were stood on the water opposite each other

Large, identical, waves crashed against each other, they had used the same jutsu.

Kakashi was gaining until Zabuza caught him off guard

Kakashi was trapped in a water prison.

Sakura walked forward her fan visible, she then bit her thumb and wiped blood on the fan and this got her a look from naruto, sasuke and tazuna but she continued.

Praying this would work she attacked.

"Daikamaitachi no Jutsu"(Grand Slashing Wind Skill)

Large amounts of wind formed into sword strokes and were aimed at 'zabuza' but it turned out that zabuza was a clone.

The water clone burst, however the impact of the wind jutsu had already gotten kakashi out of the water prison.

"This is pathetic, kakashi of the sharingan needing a child. A girl to save his sorry hide." zabuza said from who knows were.

Kakashi and zabuza engaged in a fight again, somewhere sakura wasn't privy to.

Sasuke was trying to follow it with is sharingan, he was looking at the trees so they must be fighting in the foliage.

Faster than the previous fight, it came to an end.

Zabuza was leant against a tree trying to get away from kakashi who was encroaching with an almost, manic, gleam to his eye.

Sakura wasn't going to think on that.

She turned to zabuza who was slumped against a tree spluttering on blood.

There was a lot of that marring his skin.

The jutsu she had used had taken a toll on her meagre chakra reserves, so she was half awake when she saw a senbon stick itself in zabuza's neck

All four of the nin tensed.

Kakashi went up to Zabuza's prone form and a mist hunter nin came out of the wood work to explain and left with Zabuza.

Sakura found it strange but left it alone.

Kakashi too, had a bad feeling but he had his genin to look after and couldn't go picking unnecessary fights.


Sakura woke up in a unfamiliar room.

She was on alert, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in?" she said wary, the door opened to reveal kakashi.

She untensed a little.

"You feeling alright?" He said taking a seat on the floor.

She noticed, at that moment that she wasn't wearing her own clothes.

"Yes, I'm fine who changed me?" She asked, suspicious.

'Outer! What are you doing we could have cute silver haired babies think of it!!!!!'

'Shut up'

"It was Tazuna's daughter, we're in his house. You blacked out after the fight with Zabuza. Interesting jutsu you used there." he asked an unspoken question.

Sakura chose not to answer.

"it was nothing really if he hadn't underestimated me then he would have won" She said faux bashful.

"Mah, that may be the case, but that doesn't excuse the obvious elephant in the room" kakashi said serious.

"What are you calling me an elephant or?" Sakura said acting.

"I don't mean that and you know it. How? Your a fresh, civilian, genin and you know chunin rank jutsu. I'm sure you know the laws, if you went and took it from areas which you aren't allowed in, I don't think even naruto would be be able to argue your case." Sakura's face dropped as she took in Kakashi's unspoken threat.

"Your being a f*cking hypocrite." It was all she really could say.

Something dark came over his face.

"Maybe, but what you did was reckless, even if you saved me from the water prison. I could tell you didn't know what to do with that jutsu and so did zabuza, imagine if it had backfired." He looked down on her whilst saying this in a cheery voice which was obviously fake.

It was nauseating.

But he was right.

"Okay." she said a bit defeated because she hadn't though of the ramifications, she felt a hand land in her hair and then felt air where kakashi was.

She sighed.


"So we are learning how to climb trees with chakra, I'll demonstrate then you guys will try." Kakashi said.

It had been a couple of hours since sakura had woken up and she was ready to do something that something was not relearn how to climb trees.

Once sasuke and naruto were entrenched in there competition, sakura walked up to kakashi.

"Sensei I know how to do this." she said bluntly.

"I figured. I want you to practise the jutsu in the scroll its called Doton: Doryu Taiga(Earth Release: Mud River)the user converts part of the floor ground that he and his opponent are standing on into a raging avalanche of mud and earth. The opponent quickly loses his standing and starts sliding wherever the mud river will take him." he read out the jutsu and description.

She took the scroll, said thank you and walked into a more secluded part of the forest.

'I swear sakura this is what you get for training so much in your early years he's given you a chunin level jutsu that you already know.'

'I know inner I know.'

Sakura walked to a tree and sat down she took out a book it was a book on medical jutsu.

She had always had a passing interest in it seeing as she had perfect chakra control.

She was about to read when inner started talking to her.

'You know, I just wondered what are you going to do when you find the clan?'

'Stay with them, train with them we could build a village?'but even as she thought it, sakura knew how unrealistic that was.

'that's if their even out there'

'why wouldn't they be'

'they might all be 6 feet under.'


'I thought you wanted to avenge them to make them be seen as not weak.'

'I don't know anymore...'

'Mah Mah, Sakura Haruno doesn't know. What a sorry sight.'

'stop it your trying to get to me.'

'but what will you do though? you'll be useless old sakura haruno.'

'I wont.'

'and lets say you do find them what if they don'taccept you? then what hmm?'

Before sakura new it she was jumping up off the ground sweat forming in beads on her she had been asleep that was a nightmare? she shook it off and went to the house.

'It wasn't a nightmare'


Over the next few days they were on guard at the bridge site.

Sakura was stuck in her head.

She hadn't heard inner since the nightmare she had, she'd tried to get her mind off it but it was too much like really talking to inner to have been a nightmare.

It scared her.

Suddenly a large screen of mist was covering the whole of the bridge.

Sakura unsheathed her fan whilst standing in front of tazuna, zabuza appeared right in front of her.

'damn it'she thought

She knew she shouldn't have trusted the nin to kill zabuza, because now sasuke and naruto were fight them.

Zabuza was deflected from dealing a killing blow to sakura and tazuna by kakashi who put two kunai in an x- shape and lead the battle away, expertly.

Kakashi and Zabuza were now fighting with jutsu, sakura took this as her chance dropped her fan and started the hand seals forMaruishi Tounyuu(Boulder throw)she threw 4 boulders in rapid succession of each other at Zabuza who managed to barley dodge them all.

This gave kakashi enough of anopening to deal a killing blow to zabuza with his chidori.

But in the second kakashi came close the masked nin took zabuza's place.

Zabuza seemed f*cking gleeful and was going to slice through the nin's body to kill kakashi when kakashi jumped back with the boy in tow.

He lay him down, naruto came up to where sakura was naruto looking mad.

Sasuke was doing his best impression of a pin cushion over near the ice mirror.

Sakura looked schooled her face to be impassive.

She knew a death had just happened but it was no person important to her so she let it pass over her.

Naruto however didn't.

He droned on about how the boy, haku, apparently gave his life for Zabuza and the man was about to spit on his sacrifice by desecrating his corpse.

He was very impassioned and it made sakura feel like a f*cking dickhe*d in comparison because she was simply stood looking like a sack of particularly unemotional potatoes.

Just as naruto finished gato's thugs came out, one of them let it slip that gato wanted zabuza dead so he didn't have to pay the mercenary.

Then gato appeared and kicked haku's corpse.

Which, well, 'your funeral.'

Zabuza who now had no arms

'And how the f*ck did that happen?'

had a kunai in his mouth he killed all those men and gato.

kakashi lay him down next to haku in his dying moments sakura felt something pull at her heart strings.

She almost shed a tear


After they had buried Haku and Zabuza they stood at the now finished bridge ready to cross.

Naturally, they had said farewells to tazuna and his family.

Though an odd thing had happened, right as they were about to leave.

"I think ill call it the great sakura bridge after a certain kunoichi." Tazuna had said, sakura had smiled.

Though truly she was a bit confused, she just did her job.

Yet it really affected this man.

Naruto was overjoyed for his friend.

Sasuke had his normal scowl on and kakashi was just kakashi.

The Art Of The Tessen {A sakura haruno fanfiction} - Chapter 4 - Mrs_Abyss (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.